

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP on “Hegel’s Relevance Today” for the 27th HSA’s Biennial Meeting (Boston, 11-13 October 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the call for papers Hegel’s Relevance Today, for the 27th Biennial Meeting of the Hegel Society of America, October 11-13, 2024, Boston, MA.

Deadline for submission of papers: January 17, 2024.

Submissions are limited to 6,000 words (excluding notes), and any later adjustments must remain within this limit. They must be complete essays; draft proposals will not be accepted. Submissions must be in English, in Word or PDF format, prepared for blind review, and accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words.

Please send papers to: Jeffrey Church (Program Chair) jchurch@uh.edu.

Please find below the text of the call.


In recent years, philosophers from diverse traditions have drawn on Hegel to develop novel approaches to philosophical and other types of concerns. For our 2024 Biennial Meeting, the Hegel Society of America invites papers that similarly seek to bring Hegel’s philosophy to bear on contemporary problems. For example, we welcome papers that bring Hegel into dialogue with contemporary thinkers, that use Hegel to introduce a new conceptual approach to illuminate or solve a current problem, or that employ Hegel’s thought to reveal new dimensions and complexities of a contemporary debate. We are open to many different applications of Hegel’s work in multiple disciplines, including (but not limited to) philosophy, theology, history, legal and political theory, sociology, environmental studies, gender studies, and literary studies.

Submissions are limited to 6,000 words (excluding notes), and any later adjustments must remain within this limit. They must be complete essays; draft proposals will not be accepted. Submissions must be in English, in Word or PDF format, prepared for blind review, and accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words.

Note: Although papers presented at meetings of the Hegel Society of America are usually published as a collection, publication cannot be guaranteed. By submitting a paper, however, the author agrees to reserve publication for an HSA proceedings volume if the paper is accepted for the program, and if the program is accepted for publication.

For further information, please visit the website.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-on-hegels-relevance-today-for-the-27th-hsas-biennial-meeting-boston-11-13-october-2024/