

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Call for papers: “Nature and Freedom” – 12th International Kant Congress, Vienna, 21-25.09.2015

The 12th International Kant Congress in Vienna is dedicated to the antagonism of nature and freedom, which was not only highly topical in Kant’s times, but also in contemporary discussions. More uncertain than during the Enlightenment in the 18th century is the question to which extent humankind is not only ruled by nature, but whether it is nature itself and to which extent man acts in freedom. The resources of the Kantian thinking are offering significant potential for contemporary interdisciplinary discussions connecting philosophy with natural sciences, medicine, neurology and psychology, law and social sciences. The focus of the Kant Congress 2015 in Vienna is on these issues. Moreover, there are three key topics connected to Vienna: Kant and the Vienna Circle, Kant and phenomenology as well as Kant and his poets. Moreover, in the manifold sections of the congress, the wide range of topics in Kant’s philosophy is taken into account.

The official languages of the congress are German, English and French.

*Confirmed Speakers*

Michael Wolff (Bielefeld)
Michael Friedman (Stanford)
Steven Crowell (Houston)
Dominique Pradelle (Paris)
Patricia Kitcher (New York)
Pauline Kleingeld (Groningen)
Guido Almeida (Rio de Janeiro)
Rudolf Langthaler (Vienna)
Alexej Krouglov (Moscow)
Frederic Beiser (Syracuse)
Hannah Ginsborg (Berkeley)
Massimo Ferrari (Turin)
Michela Massimi (Edinburgh)
Tobias Rosefeldt (Berlin)


1. Kant’s Precritical Philosophy
2. Metaphysics
3. Epistemology and Logics
4. History of Science and Nature
5. Teleology
6. Ethics and Moral Philosophy
7. Philosophy of Law and Justice
8. Philosophy of Politics, History and Culture
9. Anthropology and Psychology
10. Religion and Theology
11. Aesthetics
12. Kant and the Precritical Rationalism and Empirism
13. Kant and his Poets
14. Kant and German Idealism
15. Kant and the Vienna Circle
16. Kant and Phenomenology
17. Kant and Neo-Kantianism
18. Kant and Eastern Europe
19. Kant and the Traditional Asian Philosophy
20. Kant in Schools
21. Kant in the Present Time

Submission of papers: http://kant2015.univie.ac.at

Call for Papers: January 1 – September 15, 2014

Please submit a full paper, consisting of max. 8 pages (= 20.000 characters, spaces included) as well as an abstract consisting of ½ page (= 1.000 characters, spaces included) and identify the section your paper refers to clearly. Presentations should not exceed 25 minutes. Papers must be suitable for anonymous review. Please refrain from making references to your own work or anything obvious that could reveal your identity. Authors will be notified of the review outcome not later than March 1, 2015. Participation in the congress is also possible without a paper.

*Contact and Information*

University of Vienna
Department of Philosophy
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Vienna

Prof. Dr. Violetta L. Waibel, MA:
+431 4277 – 46433, violetta.waibel@univie.ac.at

MMag. Sophie Gerber:
+431 4277 – 46411, sophie.gerber@univie.ac.at

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/call-for-papers-nature-and-freedom-12th-international-kant-congress-vienna-21-25-09-2015/