

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Summer School: “Kant: Digitalization – Europe – Sustainability” (Passau, 2–6 September 2024)

We are happy to give notice of the Passau Summer School for Applied Ethics (PASSAE), which will be devoted to #Kant: Digitalization – Europe – Sustainability. The summer school will be held at University of Passau, on 2-6 September, 2024.

The deadline for the submission is: 31th of March, 2024.

For applications, fill the application form at this link.

For more informations, please visit the official website.


The first PASSAE 2024 will explore Immanuel Kant’s philosophy on three topics that raise current and future ethical questions: Digitalization, Sustainability and the Future of Europe. Through lectures and discussions with international experts as well as in interdisciplinary working groups, we will explore the question of whether and what Kant’s philosophy can contribute to these contemporary challenges.

Want to be part of PASSAE?

We will discuss current ethical issues with philosophical experts and students from various European universities and a variety of disciplines. We will work creatively and communicate our thoughts to the public. Last not least, we will enjoy Passau and its beautiful surroundings in summer.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/summer-school-kant-digitalization-europe-sustainability-passau-2-6-september-2024/