

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: «Verifiche»: Reason in Check. Philosophy of Religion in Classical German Philosophy (LII, 2/2023)

We are glad to give notice of the release of a new issue of «Verifiche» (LII, 2/2023): Reason in Check. Philosophy of Religion in Classical German Philosophy, edited by Giulia Bernard and Barbara Santini.

The Introduction of the issue and the essays are available in open access at this link.

Below you can find the table of contents of the issue.



Giulia Bernard, Barbara Santini, Philosophy of Religion in Classical German Philosophy: An Introduction



Luca Fonnesu, Job’s Loneliness. Theodicy and its Failure in Kant’s Thought

Stefan SchickSt. John 1.1 or Luke 23.46? Fichte and Jacobi on the Truth of Christianity

Matthis Glatzel, Die Bedeutung des religiösen Bewusstseins in den Psychologievorlesungen Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermachers

Pierluigi Valenza, Il destino del cristianesimo nella filosofia della religione di Hegel

Manuel Tangorra, The Borders of an Uncertain Object. Nature, Desire and Magic in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion

Kaiyuan Hong, Die anthropologische Konzeption in Hegels Religionsphilosophie und ihre Problematik

Tommaso Mauri, From Religious Philosophy to Philosophy of Religion. A Path in Schelling’s Late Philosophy

Dennis Vanden Auweele, Yu Xia, Revealing Reason’s Limits and Rebuking Heidegger: Schelling’s Late Thoughts on God and Religion

Giulia Bernard, Mitteilung of the Absolute: Performing Knowledge in the Philosophy of Religion

Barbara Santini, Religionsphilosophie: kein Abschied von der Letztbegründung. Hölderlin und die Gottesfrage im Ausgang von Kant


Book Reviews

Paola Rumore, A. Tomaszewska, Kant’s Rational Religion and the Radical Enlightenment. From Spinoza to Contemporary Debates

Giovanni Temporin, B. Norris, Schelling and Spinoza. Realism, Idealism, and the Absolute

Michael Hackl, P. Dews, Schelling’s Late Philosophy in Confrontation with Hegel

Roman Winter-Tietel, M. Feldmeier, Freiheit und Rationalität. Zur Rolle F.H. Jacobis im Denken Søren Kierkegaards


New Release: «Verifiche»: Reason in Check. Philosophy of Religion in Classical German Philosophy (LII, 2/2023 )

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-verifiche-reason-in-check-philosophy-of-religion-in-classical-german-philosophy-lii-2-2023/