We are glad to give notice of the release of a new issue of «Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico»: Kant’s Geographies, edited by Antonio Branca, Andrea Mecacci, and Francesco Valagussa.
The issue is available in open access at this link.
Below you can find the table of contents of the issue.
Antonio Branca, Andrea Mecacci, Francesco Valagussa, Forward
Introduction to Kant’s Geography
Immanuel Kant, Geografia fisica. Introduzione e Concetti matematici preliminari (AA IX, 156-183)
Antonio Branca, «…noch bevor wir sie selbst erlangen». Remarks on Kant’s Geographies of the Empirical
Geography, cartography
Franco Farinelli, Un geografo di nome Kant
Tommaso Morawski, Planetary Spaces and Maps of Reason. Remarks on Kant’s Cartographic Imagination
Anna Enström, The Sensibility of Kant’s Globus Sphere. Critical Philosophy, Physical Geography and the Situated Subject
Francesco Valagussa, The Mind and the Map. Kant and the Image of Reality
Spaces of Reason
Alessandra Campo, «We lay the path by walking on it»: Kant, Bergson and the Power of Space
Giulio Goria, The Enlightened Reflection. Kant and the Philosophical Care for Reason
Stelios Gadris, An Apology for Feeling
Subject and World
Edoardo De Santis, Kant and the Space as Event
Gualtiero Lorini, The Knowledge of the Human Being in Kant’s Anthropology: Where Subject and Object cross Paths
Félix Duque, Kant and the Spectre of War
Saverio Macrì, Feeling Data: New Perspectives for the Aesthetic Experience
Sara Dashti, Tahereh Rezaei, Ethics of Cognitive Distance in Beckett’s Waiting for Godot
Andrea Nicolini, Thriving Together: Enhancing Quality of Life through Biodiversity Conservation
Note e recensioni
For further information please visit the website of the Journal.