

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

HSGB Annual Conference 2014: “Hegel’s Political Philosophy” (Cambridge, 4th – 5th September 2014)

We are pleased to announce the HSGB Annual Conference 2014 on “Hegel’s Political Philosophy”. The conference is organized by the Hegel Society of Great Britain and will take place on 4th-5th September 2014 at the Magdalene College, University of Cambridge.

Conference Programme

Please note that the registration deadline is 1st August 2014.

Thursday 4th September

1.00-1.30 Conference registration

1.30-3.00 Dean Moyar (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore): “Law as the Public Conscience: A Hobbesian Theme in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right”

3.30-5.00 Jean-François Kervégan (Paris 1): “Hegel’s Political Epistemology”

5.30-7.00 Frank Ruda (Freie Universität, Berlin): “What Is to Be Done (with Hegel’s Monarch)?”

Friday 5th September

9.30-11.00 Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt, Berlin): “Normativity and History”

11.30-1.00 Sebastian Stein (Heidelberg): “Untouchable Dogma or Historical Relativity? On the Revisability of the Philosophy of Right’s Institutions”

Susanne Hermann-Sinai (Leipzig / Oxford): “Does Hegel have a Notion of Practical Knowledge?”

2.00-3.30 Thom Brooks (Durham): “Justice for Stakeholders: Lessons from Hegel’s Philosophy of Right”

For further information on the conference and for registration form click on the link below:

Conference Programme and other Information – Hegel’s Political Philosophy.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hsgb-annual-conference-2014-hegels-political-philosophy-cambridge-4th-5th-september-2014/