

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Kassel Workshop on animalitas: “Von Menschen und Tieren. Implikationen und Konsequenzen eines Verhältnisses”

As a part of the “Hochschul Dialog mit Sudeuropa 2013” program, a workshop on the topic of animalitas, titled “Von Menschen und Tieren. Implikationen und Konsequenzen eines Verhältnisses” will be held in Kassel from November 12th to 14th. This will be the first meeting of the international “biophilosophische Schule” and is the result of a four-university partnership involving the University of Padova, University of Calabria, University of Kassel and Karlsruher Institute for Technology. Luca Illetterati, along with six students of the University of Padova, will take part in the event. Illetterati will be delivering a paper and three brief presentations will be given by students. In the program will be lectures by other noteworthy speakers, amongst them are: Felice Cimatti, Peter Kunzmann and Giorgio Vallortigara. The workshop has been organized and will be chaired by Kristian Kochy and Francesca Michelini (Universität Kassel – Institut fur Philosophie).

Below the program of the workshop:


by Elena Tripaldi

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/kassel-workshop-on-animalitas-von-menschen-und-tieren-implikationen-und-konsequenzen-eines-verhaltnisses/