

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: “Kant and the philosophy of mind” (Oxford, January 16-17, 2015)

We are pleased to announce the workshop “Kant and the Philosophy of Mind”. The workshop will take place on January 16th-17th 2015 at the University of Oxford (Philosophy Centre, Radcliffe Humanities, ROQ, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG, UK). Below you can find the program of the workshop.


January 16-17, 2015

A workshop to herald the publication of Kant and the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on Consciousness, Judgement, and the Self, Oxford University Press

All sessions will take place in the Ryle Room. The workshop is read ahead.


9 – 9.30 Introduction and Coffee

9.30 – 11 Kant, Cognitive Phenomenology, and the Act of Knowing
Speaker: Robert Hanna (Boulder, Colorado)
Commentator: Anil Gomes (Oxford)

11 – 12.30 Inner Sense and Outer Sense
Speaker: Ralf Bader (Oxford)
Commentator: Alexandra Newton (Illinois)

12.30 – 1.30 Lunch

1.30 – 3 Kant’s Understanding of the Mind in the Antinomies
Speaker: Dina Emundts (Konstanz)
Commentator – Angela Breitenbach (Cambridge)

3 – 3.30 Coffee

3.30 – 5 Are Kantian Intuitions Object-Dependent?
Speaker: Stefanie Grüne (Potsdam)
Commentator: Colin McLear (Lincoln, Nebraska)

7.30 Workshop Dinner


9.30 – 11 Kant’s Philosophy of Mind in the Refutation of Idealism
Speaker: Andrew Chignell (Cornell)
Commentator: Andrew Stephenson (Oxford)

11 – 12.30 Synthesis and Binding
Speaker: Lucy Allais (Witwatersrand; UCSD)
Commentator: Robert Watt (Oxford)

12.30 – 1.30 Lunch

1.30 – 3 Causation and the Mental: A Kantian Critique
Speaker: Kenneth R. Westphal (Istanbul)
Commentator: Max Edwards (UCL)

3 – 3.30 Coffee

3.30 – 5 The Subject Self
Speaker: Ralph Walker (Oxford)
Commentator: Katharina Kraus (Jerusalem)

5 Workshop Close

The organisers gratefully acknowledge the support of the Mind Association, the John Fell Oxford University Press Research Fund, and the Philosophy Faculty and Trinity College, Oxford.

For a .pdf version of the program, click on this link.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-kant-and-the-philosophy-of-mind-oxford-january-16-17-2015/