

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

G. Rametta on “The Transcendental and its Metamorphoses in Modern Thinking”

Hegelpd is very glad to host a contribution by Gaetano Rametta, entitled The Transcendental and its Metamorphoses in Modern Thinking. Fichte to Deleuze (through Husserl). The article recently appeared in Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy, Special Issue, n. I (2015).

Gaetano Rametta is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Padua. He works mainly in the areas of Classical German Philosophy (with special reference to Fichte and Hegel), neo-Kantianism and the history of political philosophy. He is also interested in French philosophy of the 20th century, with special attention to Sartre, Foucault, Deleuze, and Althusser. He is the author of many books and article on these topics.

Here the abstract of the contribution:

In my article, I will face the question concerning the Transcendental as the conceptual frame inside of which a progressive de-subjectivation of philosophy takes place. By de-subjectivation I mean a process in which the connection between philosophy and production of concepts, as well as between traditional forms of thought and creation of new ways of thinking leads us to even more accentuated marginalization of the role of consciousness. I will assume Fichte and Deleuze as the main points of reference for my argument. Furthermore I will connect the First section (on Fichte) with the Third and Fourth (on Deleuze) via a brief consideration of Husserl’s phenomenology. In the Fourth section, I will also try to explain why I think the theory of “transcendental empiricism”, which appears in Difference and Repetition, is of particular relevance to the ongoing discussion about the notion of the Transcendental and Transcendental Philosophy.

The .pdf version of the article is available here.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/g-rametta-on-the-transcendental-and-its-metamorphoses-in-modern-thinking/