

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Book Publication: Michela Bordignon, Ai limiti della verità, ETS edizioni

We are proud to announce the publication of the book Ai limiti della verità. Il problema della contraddizione nella logica di Hegel by Dott.ssa Michela Bordignon. The book is published by ETS edizioni and is part of the philosophica collection.

The book tackles the long discussed topic of the role of contradiction in the Science of Logic and of its relation to the whole system, yet with a fresh glimpse and through an attentive analysis of the relationship between speculative and formal logic and of the contemporary treatments of contradiction. In doing this, the author skilfully implements the use of the conceptual tools she draws from an analysis of the structure of the paradoxes of self-reference. The book successfully presents an actualisation of Hegel’s thought, thus not yielding to the temptation of diminishing the radicalness of its account of contradiction.

The book was awarded the Premio di studi Vittorio Sainati in 2012. The author, Dott.ssa Michela Bordignon, was born in 1981. She completed her PhD in Philosophy at the University of Padua. She continued her research also at the University of Warwick and at the Pontificia Universidade Catòlica do Rio Grande do Sul. She is currently a fellow researcher at the University of Padua. Her research interest is directed toward classic German philosophy, with a particular focus on the Hegelian Logic and the relationship between speculative and formal logic.

We are glad to share a free downloadable version (PDF) of the book’s introduction.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/book-publication-michela-bordignon-ai-limiti-della-verita-ets-edizioni/