Call for papers
Hegel Bulletin
Special issue: Moral Philosophy
Hegel treats what he calls the ‘standpoint of morality’ as an essential feature of our self-conception as free. At the same time, he is also critical of the moral standpoint or at least seeks to integrate it in a broader ethical life. The special issue on Moral Philosophy invites contributions that help illuminate the relation between morality and freedom, in Hegel but also in the broader classical German philosophical tradition (Kant, Fichte, Schelling). The topic opens up a number of questions, such as:
-What is the morality of freedom? How does it fit a morality of norms? How does it fit a morality of values?
– How does freedom in the moral sense differ from choice? Is choice a prerequisite or simply a false picture of freedom?
-What is autonomy? Is autonomy a feature of the will?
-What other capacities agents must possess in order to possess freedom? And what implications does this have for morality?
-What grounds moral demands? Does ethical life have a grounding role?
-Can we be good without being free? Can we be good in a bad world?
-Who judges whether we are moral or not? Is moral conscience judging or action-guiding?
-Does it matter whether we are free or whether we merely have a self-conception as free?
Articles need not be limited to these questions, which are only indicative of the kind of issues we would like to see discussed. We welcome both historical papers that base their argument on careful textual analysis and reconstructive papers that frame their argument in the context of contemporary debates. All papers are double-blind refereed.
See also:
* Full papers should be received by the 20th February 2014. Please send as electronic submission to the editor
The special issue is scheduled to appear in Autumn 2014. Details about word length and format can be found at:
* Future special issues: Pragmatism, Phenomenology.
Pragmatism has historical and conceptual connections to Hegel’s philosophy and the aim of this special issue is to explore aspects of this relation. We invite papers on neo-pragmatist interpretations of Hegel, on idealist themes in both classical pragmatist thought and the ‘neo-pragmatism’ of Richard Rorty and Robert Brandom and their ‘new pragmatist’ critics, and on aspects of idealist and pragmatist approaches to core philosophical concerns from epistemology to ethics.
Detailed cfp to follow. The editor of the special issue on Pragmatism is Dr Neil Gascoigne
The deadline for submissions is 2 June 2014. The special issue is scheduled to appear in Spring 2015.
*The Phenomenology special issue aims to encourage dialogue among those who work within the phenomenological tradition, especially but not limited to Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and those working in Hegel studies. Detailed cfp to follow. The special issue is scheduled to appear in Spring 2016.