

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New issue of Critique: Book discussions in the philosophy of Kant and German Idealism

We are pleased to announce the new issue of the review Critique: “Book discussions in the philosophy of Kant and German Idealism”.

The following publications on the Critique website will be of interest to Kant and German Idealism scholars:

1. Critical Notice, by Dennis Schulting, of Robert Pippin’s “Logik und Metaphysik. Hegels ‘Reich der Schatten’” in his new volume Die Aktualität des Deutschen Idealismus (Suhrkamp, 2016): http://wp.me/ptwJK-HB

2. Author-Meets-Critics discussion of Courtney D. Fugate The Teleology of Reason (de Gruyter 2014), featuring:
Commentary by Huaping Lu-Adler (Georgetown University, USA): http://wp.me/ptwJK-nx
and: Reply by Courtney Fugate (American University Beirut): http://wp.me/ptwJK-IU

3. Also, a heads-up which will see the publication of a discussion of Bryan Hall’s book “The Post-Critical Kant: Understanding the Critical Philosophy through the Opus postumum” (Routledge 2015), with commentaries by Hein van den Berg (University of Amsterdam), Jeffrey Edwards (SUNY, Stony Brook) and Kenneth Westphal (Boğaziçi University Istanbul), followed by Bryan Hall’s reply.

 For any further inquiry, please refer to the  review’s website: http://virtualcritique.wordpress.com

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-issue-of-critique-book-discussions-in-the-philosophy-of-kant-and-german-idealism/