

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Materials: Pre-editions of Leibniz’s texts (by the Leibniz-Forschungsstelle)

We are glad to inform that the Leibniz-Forschungsstelle makes available online a pre-edition of volume VI, 5 of Leibniz’s philosophical papers and of volume II, 4 of Leibniz’s philosophical correspondence. The texts can be downloaded at the following links:

For VI, 5:


For II, 4:



New for the pre-edition of volume II, 4 is the correspondence with Bayle.

Besides the numerous logical, moral, and metaphysical papers (about 250 pages of inedit texts), the Leibniz-Forschungsstelle would like to highlight the first complete critical edition of the  version of the Animadversiones ad Cartesii Principia (Statera Cartesianismi), an yet unknown text containing some remarks to Spinoza’s Renati Des Cartes Principiorum Philosophiae, and Foucher’s objections. You can find the complete list of contents below.

For any further information, please contact: leibnizf@uni-muenster.de


VE_1058.  Versus memoriales

VE_1070.  Skyttius de lingua universali radicali

VE_1206.  Tres gradus firmitatis in sententiis

VE_1262.  Veritates mathematicae et veritates civiles

VE_1265.  Disputationes formales scripto reciprocatae

VE_1276.  De enthymemate

VE_1430.  Duae species inventionis

VE_1470.  Cuncta argumenta inter se – Sophisma divisionis

VE_2007.  Cartesius de causa finali in rebus physicis

VE_2010.  De Cartesii methodo dubitandi

VE_2015.  De duplici seculo philosophantium

VE_2020.  De somniis et vita

VE_2056.  In omni creatura creatoris vestigium

VE_2065.  Sur la physique et la metaphysique des Cartésiens

VE_2070.  De morte Claubergii in ecstasi

VE_2148.  De duplici via philosophandi

VE_2192.  Descartes versé dans la Philosophie scholastique

VE_2206.  Parum consulit immortalitati ^- Zur Unsterblichkeit der Seele

VE_2254.  De completo et incompleto

VE_2268.  Sur la sensibilité

VE_2274.  Nullam esse mutationem per saltum

VE_2276.  Omnis res aliquando subvertitur

VE_2296.  De fine universi

VE_2340.  De causa ideali et harmonia praestabilita

VE_2403.  Omnia plena animarum

VE_2415.  Henricus Morus de immortalitate animae

VE_2420.  De ingenio acuto aut magno

VE_2500.  Discours sur les Beaux Sentimens

VE_ 2655.  De l’ame et du corps (Zu Bayle)

VE_2835.  Jordani Bruni de Monade liber

VE_3015.  De experimentis et ratiocinationibus

VE_ 2289.  Objections de M. Foucher chanoine de Dijon contre le nouveau systeme de la communication des substances

VE_ 2290.  Remarques sur les Objections de M. Foucher

VE_3083.  Leges Naturae Generales circa vires et directiones Motuum. Autore G._G._L.

VE_ 3129.  Animadversiones ad Cartesii Principia (Statera Cartesianismi) [Fassung 1691 bis Mai 1699]

VE_ 3130.  Animadversiones ad Cartesii Principia (Statera Cartesianismi) [Fassung Juni 1699]

VE_ 3775.  Randbemerkungen und Unterstreichungen zu Spinoza, Principia Philosophiae more geometrico demonstrata


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/materials-pre-editions-of-leibnizs-texts-by-the-leibniz-forschungsstelle/