tag » aesthetics

Lezione: Elena Polledri, “«La poesia non unisce gli uomini come fa il gioco». Hölderlin e una nuova educazione estetica dell’uomo” (Padova, 10 Dicembre 2021)

Giovanna Luciano // Dec 7, 2021

Siamo lietɜ di comunicare che venerdì 10 dicembre 2021, nell’ambito del corso di Storia dell’estetica per la Laurea Triennale in Filosofia …

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hpd – Video from the Padova Hegel Lectures 2020: Paul Kottman “Can Hegel’s Philosophy of Art help us to understand Contemporary Visual Culture?”

hegelpd // Nov 9, 2021

The hegelpd group had launched the Padova Hegel Lectures series: a series of lectures given by international Hegel scholars, aimed at exploring Hegelian …

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Book Presentation: Juliane Rebentisch, “La moralità dell’ironia. Hegel e la modernità” (Rome, 24 September, 2021)

Laura Dequal // Sep 21, 2021

We are glad to give notice that the book presentation of Juliane Rebentisch La moralità dell’ironia. Hegel e la modernità …

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Event: “With Hegel in the XXI Century. A Philosophical Exhibition” (Rome, 23 September-07 October 2021)

Laura Dequal // Sep 21, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the philosophical exhibition With Hegel in the XXI Century (Rome, 23rd September – …

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Due lezioni sull’Estetica di Hegel: Francesco Campana e Alberto L. Siani (Padova, 22-23 aprile, 2021)

Armando Manchisi // Apr 22, 2021

Siamo lietə di comunicare che il 22 e 23 aprile 2021 si terranno presso l’Università di Padova, all’interno del corso triennale di Storia …

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CFP: The Aesthetics of Idealism. Facets and Relevance of a Theoretical Paradigm (June 30, 2021)

Laura Dequal // Mar 16, 2021

We are glad to give notice that the call for papers The Aesthetics of Idealism. Facets and Relevance of a …

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Talk: Francey Russell (Barnard/Columbia) “Opacity and Self-Consciousness in Kant’s Theory of Aesthetic Judgment” (Dec 4th, 2020 – New York German Idealism Workshop)

Elena Tripaldi // Dec 2, 2020

We are glad to give notice of the upcoming talk at the New York German Idealism Workshop. Francey Russell (Barnard/Columbia) …

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New release: F.M. Cacciatore, F. Lesce (eds.): “Effetto Hegel. Filosofia, arte, società” (Guida, 2020)

Marco Ferrari // Oct 7, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Effetto Hegel. Filosofia, arte, società, edited by Fortunato Maria …

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CFP: “Hölderlin and 20th-century Aesthetics” Aesthetica Preprint (2021)

Niccolò Sbolci // Sep 12, 2020

We are glad to give notice that the Call for Papers of Aesthetica Preprint on the topic Hölderlin and 20th-century Aesthetics …

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hegelpd // Aug 5, 2020

hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we publish some posts already appeared on the blog.   We are pleased …

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New Release: Studi di estetica “Rethinking Hegel’s Aesthetics” (n. 16, 1/2020)

Giulia Bernard // Jun 28, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of the Special Issue of “Studi di estetica” (anno XLVII, IV serie, n. …

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LEZIONE: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Gabriele Tomasi: “Appunti per un cognitivismo estetico kantiano. Il caso della poesia (KU §§ 49-53)” (Padova, 26 Maggio 2020)

Armando Manchisi // May 23, 2020

Siamo liete e lieti di comunicare che il 26 maggio 2020, in occasione del decimo e ultimo incontro del ciclo di …

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Book review on NDPR: Lydia L. Moland, “Hegel’s Aesthetics: The Art of Idealism” (William Desmond)

Niccolò Sbolci // Apr 7, 2020

We are glad to give notice of William Desmond’s review of Hegel’s Aesthetics: The Art of Idealism, by Lydia L. Moland …

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New Release: Rapsódia (XIII, 2019)

Giovanna Luciano // Jan 19, 2020

We are glad to give notice of the release of the latest issue of Rapsódia (XIII, 2019). Rapsódia is a open-access …

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Materials: Gabriele Tomasi, “Kant, Artistic Profundity and Aesthetic Ideas” (Verifiche, XLVIII, 1/2019)

Armando Manchisi // Dec 30, 2019

We are pleased to share the article Kant, Artistic Profundity and Aesthetic Ideas by Gabriele Tomasi, published in the latest …

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CFP: «Studi di Estetica»: “Rethinking Hegel’s Aesthetics”

Filippo Sanguettoli // Oct 19, 2019

We are pleased to give notice of the call for papers for a special issue of «Studi di Estetica», scheduled …

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New Release: Lydia L. Moland, “Hegel’s Aesthetics. The Art of Idealism” (Oxford University Press, 2019)

Eleonora Cugini // Sep 22, 2019

We are pleased to announce the release of the book Hegel’s Aesthetics. The Art of Idealism by Lydia L. Moland …

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