tag » alfredo ferrarin

Workshop: “La Psicologia di Hegel” (Pisa, 10-11 giugno, 2024)

hegelpd // May 31, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the workshop La Psicologia di Hegel, which will find place on June 10th-11th, 2024, at the …

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Book Discussion: Alfredo Ferrarin, “Un mondo non di questo mondo. La realtà delle immagini e l’immaginazione” (Padova, 21 March, 2024)

Giovanna Luciano // Mar 13, 2024

We are glad to announce that the book discussion of Alfredo Ferrarin Un mondo non di questo mondo. La realtà …

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New Release: Alfredo Ferrarin, “I poteri della ragion pura. Kant e l’idea di una filosofia cosmica” (ETS, 2022)

Armando Manchisi // Apr 2, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume I poteri della ragion pura. Kant e l’idea …

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Book discussion on “Critique”: Alfredo Ferrarin, Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant (E. Magrì)

Giovanna Luciano // Mar 23, 2018

We are glad to give notice of Elisa Magrì‘s book discussion of Alfredo Ferrarin, Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica …

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hpd OA Week

hpd for OA week (V): Book Symposium “On Alfredo Ferrarin’s The Powers of Pure Reason. Kant and the Idea of a Cosmic Philosophy” (coordinated by Giovanna Luciano)

Giovanna Miolli // Oct 27, 2017

In occasione della Open Access Week, condividiamo con i nostri lettori il Book Symposium On Alfredo Ferrarin’s “The Powers of Pure …

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Book Review: Alfredo Ferrarin, “Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant” (Arianna Longo)

Armando Manchisi // May 10, 2017

Proponiamo la recensione del testo di Alfredo Ferrarin, Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant, scritta da …

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New Book: Alfredo Ferrarin, “Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant”

Iacopo Chiaravalli // Jul 15, 2016

Siamo felici di annunciare la pubblicazione del volume di Alfredo Ferrarin, Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di …

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Conference: “Dialectic and the Ends of Reason” (Pisa, June 8th-10th, 2016)

Giovanna Luciano // Jun 3, 2016

We are glad to inform that the International Conference “Dialectic and the Ends of Reason” will be held at the University of Pisa on June …

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Book Discussion: Alfredo Ferrarin, “The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy” (Padova, November 30, 2015)

Giovanna Luciano // Nov 23, 2015

We are pleased to announce Alfredo Ferrarin’s “The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy” (The University …

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Call for Abstract: “Hegel and Effectual Reality: the Logic and its Realisations” (HegeLab, University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli)

Francesco Campana // Sep 14, 2014

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Hegel and Effectual Reality: the Logic and its Realisations HegeLab (Hegel Studies Lab, http://www.lett.unipmn.it/hegelab/), hosted by the …

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On the “Hegel-renassaince” in the English speaking world (“Introduction” from «Verifiche», XLI/1-3)

Selene Mezzalira // Mar 12, 2014

We are pleased to host in our website a text written by Mario De Caro and Luca Illetterati on the …

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