tag » classical german philosophy
Seminario “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”: Eleonora Cugini, “Norma, libertà e Wirklichkeit: un confronto con “Das Leben der Freiheit” di Thomas Khurana”
Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 16 gennaio 2018, in occasione del quarto incontro del seminario di dottorato “Temi e …
Reportage: DAAD Workshop “Nature in Question: Between Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Thought” (Padua, December 18th-19th, 2017)
As a Christmas present, hpd launches its first reportage series. We are constantly trying to enrich our websites with new …
Congress: World WoMen Hegelian Congress (Rome, September 26th-28th 2018)
We are very pleased to give notice of the World WoMen Hegelian Congress. The event will take place at the Sapienza …
Logiques de Hegel : bicentenaire de l’Encyclopédie des sciences philosophiques et de la Science de la Logique (Paris, December 8th-9th 2017)
We are glad to give notice of the seminar Logiques de Hegel : bicentenaire de l’Encyclopédie des sciences philosophiques et de la …
Materials: A.M. Nunziante, “Infinite vs. Singularity. Between Leibniz and Hegel” (Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos)
We are pleased to share the paper “Infinite vs. Singularity. Between Leibniz and Hegel” by Antonio Nunziante (University of Padua). …
Seminario: “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”: Luca Illetterati, “Il concetto hegeliano di filosofia: Scienza, scienze filosofiche e scienze particolari” (Padova, 14 Novembre 2017)
Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 14 novembre 2017, in occasione del primo incontro del seminario di dottorato “Temi e …
Latest news from «Verifiche»
We are pleased to give notice of the latest news about «Verifiche. Rivista Semestrale di Scienze Umane» (ISSN: 0391-4186). Below, you can find …
Conference: “Truth and Freedom in Hegel and Schelling” (Malaga, 18-20 September)
We are glad to announce that the Hegel Society of Spain (Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre Hegel) organizes its VI International Congress …
REMINDER, CFP: German Classical Philosophy and Naturalism (Washington D.C., 14-16 December 2017)
This is a reminder that the deadline for the call for papers for the German Classical Philosophy and Naturalism conference …
Conference: “Die Aktualität des Geistes: Klassische Positionen nach Kant und ihre Relevanz in der Moderne” (Munich, 4-5 August 2017)
We are glad to announce that the conference “Die Aktualität des Geistes: Klassische Positionen nach Kant und ihre Relevanz in der …
INTERVIEW: Francesca Menegoni, “L’eredità degli studi hegeliani in Italia”
È con piacere che segnaliamo l’intervista alla Professoressa Francesca Menegoni (Padova), pubblicata nella rivista Filosofia italiana (2017, I) a cura di …
CFP: “Logiques du discours philosophique en Allemagne de Kant a Nietzsche” (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne 17-18 novembre 2017)
We are pleased to announce a new call for paper for a conference entitled “Logiques du discours philosophique en Allemagne de Kant …
Philosophy in Assos: “Immanuel Kant” (Assos, July 3-6, 2017)
We are pleased to announce that the meeting Philosophy in Assos on the topic Immanuel Kant will be held in Assos on July …
Workshop: “Kant on Sex, Love and Friendship” (St Andrews, July 21-23, 2017)
We are glad to announce the Workshop Kant on Sex, Love and Friendship, which will take place at the University of …
CFP: “German Classical Philosophy and Naturalism” (Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 14-16 December 2017)
We are glad to announce that an international conference on the topic “German Classical Philosophy and Naturalism” will be held at Georgetown …
New Release: “Russian Journal of Philosophy & Humanities” (Vol.1, 2/2017)
We are pleased to announce the release of the first volume of the “Russian Journal of Philosophy & Humanities”. The …
New Release: “Hegel Studien”, Volume 50 – Call for submission for the Volume 51
We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of the volume 50 of the “Hegel-Studien”. The volume will contain the following …
Reminder – Conference: “Mendelssohn, Kant, and the Refutation of Idealism” (TU Berlin, April 27)
We are glad to remind you that a conference on “Mendelssohn, Kant, and the Refutation of Idealism” will be held by …