tag » classical german philosophy

Report: Seminario prof. Diego Bubbio (Padova, 14 gennaio 2014)

Giovanna Miolli // Feb 10, 2014

Il 14 gennaio 2014 il Professor Diego Bubbio (University of Western Sydney) ha inaugurato il primo incontro del seminario “Temi e …

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Temi e problemi della filosofia hegeliana: la filosofia dell’arte (II) – Gabriele Tomasi, “Introduzione all’Introduzione all’Estetica”; Elisa Caldarola, “Danto sulla fine dell’arte”

Alessandro Esposito // Feb 9, 2014

Martedì 11 febbraio 2014 avrà luogo la seconda seduta del seminario del Corso di Dottorato in Filosofia dell’Università di Padova …

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Bridging Tradition: Idealism & Pragmatism (10-12 April 2014, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main)

Selene Mezzalira // Feb 7, 2014

The aim of this international conference is to consider the relations between idealism and pragmatism. It arises out of the …

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Review: M. Gabriel, “Transcendental Ontology. Essays on German Idealism” (F. Orsini)

Elena Tripaldi // Feb 2, 2014

We are pleased to submit the text of Federico Orsini’s review of Markus Gabriel‘s Transcendental Ontology. Essays on German Idealism (Continuum, London-New York, 2011), appeared …

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News: Reading Group on Hegel’s “Science of Logic” at UCL

Marco Ferrari // Jan 31, 2014

We are pleased to announce the launch of a reading group focusing on Hegel at University College London as of …

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Review: B. Bowman, “Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity” (G. Miolli)

Daniele Bertoletti // Jan 29, 2014

Proponiamo la recensione al testo di Brady Bowman,  Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity (Cambridge University Press, 2013), scritta da Giovanna …

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Fourth Annual International Summer School in German Philosophy (2014). Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit

hegelpd // Jan 27, 2014

We are pleased to announce that the fourth Annual International Summer School in German Philosophy will be held in Bonn …

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New book: “Idealismo e concretezza. Il paradigma epistemico hegeliano” di Paolo Giuspoli

Daniele Bertoletti // Jan 22, 2014

Segnaliamo l’uscita del nuovo libro di Paolo Giuspoli dal titolo Idealismo e concretezza. Il paradigma epistemico hegeliano (Franco Angeli). Dalla quarta …

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Classical German Philosophy in South America: Recent Events

Alessandro Esposito // Jan 20, 2014

Over the last three months, several international events concerning Classical German Philosophy, and in particular Hegelʼs philosophy, have taken place …

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Three Book Reviews from «Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews»

hegelpd // Dec 30, 2013

Three recent reviews from Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews: Markus Gabriel, Transcendental Ontology: Essays in German Idealism, Bloomsbury, 2013. Reviewed by …

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Is Hegel a Dialetheist?

hegelpd // Dec 11, 2013

One of the most scandalous aspects of Hegel’s Science of Logic is the way he thinks of contradiction. In a …

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Rome Workshop on the End of Art and its Developments after Hegel

hegelpd // Dec 9, 2013

Dialoghi italo-tedeschi 2013               Deutsch-Italienische Dialoge 2013 Da Hegel ad oggi. Sviluppi della riflessione estetica tedesca e italiana dopo la morte …

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In Search Of Lost Animality – Kassel, November 12-14, 2013

hegelpd // Dec 6, 2013

The first meeting of the international “bio-philosophical school” took place November 12-14 at the University of Kassel. It was organized …

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Forthcoming Events: Workshops & Conferences

hegelpd // Nov 4, 2013

hegelpd aims to be a space for both sharing resources and providing tools for those who work and study in the field …

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