tag » classical german philosophy
We are glad to announce that Michael Bennett McNulty will give a lecture entitled Kant on (improper) science on Wednesday, February …
NEW RELEASE: G. Basileo, G. Di Tommaso (eds.): Principio, Metodo e Sistema nella Filosofia Classica Tedesca (Inschibboleth, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Principio, Metodo e Sistema nella Filosofia Classica Tedesca, edited …
We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2019 volume of «Studi Kantiani». The issue contains the following contributions: …
New Release: Rapsódia (XIII, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the latest issue of Rapsódia (XIII, 2019). Rapsódia is a open-access …
New Release: Bulletin de littérature hégélienne (XXIX, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the relase of the latest issue of the Bulletin de littérature hégélienne (XXIX, 2019). …
Materials: Giulia Bernard’s Review of Ermylos Plevrakis, “Das Absolute und der Begriff. Zur Frage philosophischer Theologie in Hegels »Wissenschaft der Logik«” (Universa, Vol. 8, No. 1/2019)
We are happy to share Giulia Bernard‘s review of the book Das Absolute und der Begriff. Zur Frage philosophischer Theologie …
CFP: “Die Ästhetiken des deutschen Idealismus und die gesellschaftliche Rolle von Kunst – Aktualisierungen eines deutsch-italienischen Dialogs/Le estetiche dell’idealismo tedesco e il ruolo sociale dell’arte – Attualizzazione di un dialogo italo-tedesco” (Pavia, 14-16 May 2020 / Berlin, 24-26 September 2020)
We are pleased to give notice of a call for paper for two related workshops with the title Die Ästhetiken …
CFP: “Politische Theologie im und im Ausgang des Deutschen Idealismus” (Basel, 25-26 May, 2020)
We gladly announce that a Call for Papers has been opened for the International Conference Politische Theologie im und im …
Congress: “Aufklärung über Aufklärung – Zur Aktualität der klassischen deutschen Philosophie” (Munich, 12-13 December, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the international conference Aufklärung über Aufklärung – Zur Aktualität der klassischen deutschen Philosophie. …
Lezione: Salvatore Veca, “Le ragioni di Kant: 1. Kant e le tre domande filosofiche” (Torino, 27 novembre 2019)
Siamo lieti di comunicare che la prima lezione, introdotta dal prof. Luca Fonnesu e tenuta dal prof. Salvatore Veca, avrà …
Workshop: “Concept and Intuition in Kant and Hegel” (Luxembourg, 26-27 November, 2019)
We are pleased to give notice of the Workshop for doctoral students Concept and Intuition in Kant and Hegel, that …
CFA: Tagung des Internationalen Netzwerkes Hegels Relevanz: „Warum Religion heute? Zur Aktualität von Hegels Religionsphilosophie“. Zu Hegels 250. Geburtstag (Linz, 3-5 Juni, 2020)
We are glad to announce a call for abstracts is open for contributions in a Tagung des Internationalen Netzwerkes Hegels …
Lezione: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Francesca Menegoni, “La Critica del Giudizio: un progetto sistematico, dinamico, innovativo” (Padova, 22 ottobre 2019)
Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 22 ottobre si terrà il primo incontro del ciclo di lezioni “Temi e problemi della filosofia …
New Release: Francesca Iannelli, Federico Vercellone and Klaus Vieweg (eds.), “Hegel und Italien – Italien und Hegel” (Mimesis Verlag, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegel und Italien – Italien und Hegel: Geistige …
NEW RELEASE: D. Bubbio, A. De Cesaris, M. Pagano, H. Weslati (Eds.), “Hegel, Logic and Speculation” (Bloomsbury, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegel, Logic and Speculation, edited by Diego Bubbio, …
New Release: Nicholas Mowad, “Meaning and Embodiment. Human Corporeity in Hegel’s Anthropology” (SUNY Press, 2019)
We are pleased to announce the release of the book Meaning and Embodiment. Human Corporeity in Hegel’s Anthropology by Nicholas …
New Release: Karen Ng, “Hegel’s Concept of Life. Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic” (Oxford University Press, 2019)
We are pleased to announce the release of the book Hegel’s Concept of Life. Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen Ng (Oxford …
NEW RELEASE: Jean-Luc Gouin, “Hegel. De la Logophonie comme chant du signe” (PUL, 2018)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegel. De la Logophonie comme chant du signe by Jean-Luc …