tag » classical german philosophy

Conference: Examining Hegel’s Idea of Self-Determination: From Actuality to Concept (Warwick on 6-8th June 2019)

Giulio Mariottini // May 29, 2019

We are happy to announce that the conference Examining Hegel’s idea of Self-Determination: from Actuality to Concept will take place on 6th-8th of …

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Workshop: Kant on Natural Laws (Potsdam, 3 June 2019)

Alessandro Esposito // May 27, 2019

We are glad to give notice that the workshop Kant on Natural Laws will take place on June 6th at the Universität Potsdam. …

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New Release: «Pólemos» (2/2017-1/2018): “German Idealism and the Social Question” (I-II)

Saša Hrnjez // May 22, 2019

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the new issue of Pólemos. Materials of philosophy and social …

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Seminar: Birgit Sandkaulen, “Der Begriff des Lebens – eine naturphilosophische oder lebensweltliche Frage?” (Paris, 18 May 2019)

Giulia Bernard // May 17, 2019

We are glad to give notice that on May 18th, on the occasion of the next session of the Séminaire …

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Conference: Analytic Kantianism (Leipzig, 8-10 July 2019)

Silvia Locatelli // May 13, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the Conference “Analytic Kantianism”, which will take place on 8th-10th July at the University of …

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Workshop: “La réalité des normes / Die Wirklichkeit der Normativität” (Paris, 23-24 May 2019)

Silvia Locatelli // May 10, 2019

Given the significance of the themes related to normativity in the german classical philosophy’s actual debate, we are glad to …

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Ciclo di seminari: “L’idealismo tedesco nei suoi critici. Fratture e permanenze? Schelling, Feuerbach, Marx, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche” (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Napoli, 27-31 maggio 2019)

Alessandro Esposito // May 8, 2019

Siamo lieti di annunciare il ciclo di seminari e lezioni L’idealismo tedesco nei suoi critici. Fratture e permanenze? Schelling, Feuerbach, …

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Conference: “Das Böse im Deutschen Idealismus” (Berlin, 10-11 May 2019)

Giulia Bernard // May 3, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the conference Das Böse im Deutschen Idealismus. 6. Rencontre internationale sur l’Idéalisme, which …

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New Release: Alfredo Ferrarin, “Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique of Kant” (Northwestern University Press, 2019)

Giovanna Luciano // Apr 11, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book “Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique …

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Conference: “Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic” (Leuven, 23-24 May 2019)

Silvia Locatelli // Apr 10, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the conference Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic, which will take place on May 23rd and 24th, …

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New Release: “Hegel-Studien”, volume 52

Giulia Bernard // Apr 6, 2019

We are pleased to announce the release of the volume 52 of the “Hegel-Studien”. The volume contains the following contributions: …

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CFP: International Conference: “Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives” (University of Lisbon, 19th June 2019)

Alessandro Esposito // Mar 29, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the forthcoming International Conference Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives. …

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CFP: Natural and Revealed Theology in the German Enlightenment (IRH-ICUB, University of Bucharest, 23th-24th May 2019,)

Alessandro Esposito // Mar 17, 2019

We are glad to inform that the call for papers Natural and Revealed Theology in the German Enlightenment is now open. The …

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New Release: Birgit Sandkaulen, “Jacobis Philosophie. Über den Widerspruch zwischen System und Freiheit” (Meiner, 2019)

Giulia Bernard // Mar 13, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Jacobis Philosophie. Über den Widerspruch zwischen System und …

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New Release: Huaping Lu-Adler, “Kant and the science of logic” (Oxford University Press, 2018)

Silvia Locatelli // Feb 27, 2019

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical …

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cfp: hegel and freedom

Silvia Locatelli // Feb 18, 2019

We are glad to inform that the call for papers is open for the conference on “Hegel and Freedom” that …

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II Australian Hegel Society Conference in collaboration with the Marie Curie Project ‘Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy’: “Naturalism and Sociality” (Sydney, 14-15 February, 2019)

Giovanna Luciano // Feb 2, 2019

We are glad to announce that the Australian Hegel Society in collaboration with the Marie Curie Project ‘Naturalism in Classical …

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CFP: KANTIAN POLITICAL THEORY/PHILOSOPHY TODAY (2019 ECPR General Conference. 4-7 September, Wroclaw)

Alessandro Esposito // Feb 2, 2019

We are glad to inform that a call for paper proposals is open for the Kantian Standing Group section of …

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