tag » classical german philosophy
Workshop: “La réalité des normes / Die Wirklichkeit der Normativität” (Paris, 23-24 May 2019)
Given the significance of the themes related to normativity in the german classical philosophy’s actual debate, we are glad to …
Ciclo di seminari: “L’idealismo tedesco nei suoi critici. Fratture e permanenze? Schelling, Feuerbach, Marx, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche” (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Napoli, 27-31 maggio 2019)
Siamo lieti di annunciare il ciclo di seminari e lezioni L’idealismo tedesco nei suoi critici. Fratture e permanenze? Schelling, Feuerbach, …
Conference: “Das Böse im Deutschen Idealismus” (Berlin, 10-11 May 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the conference Das Böse im Deutschen Idealismus. 6. Rencontre internationale sur l’Idéalisme, which …
New Release: Alfredo Ferrarin, “Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique of Kant” (Northwestern University Press, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book “Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique …
Conference: “Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic” (Leuven, 23-24 May 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the conference Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic, which will take place on May 23rd and 24th, …
New Release: “Hegel-Studien”, volume 52
We are pleased to announce the release of the volume 52 of the “Hegel-Studien”. The volume contains the following contributions: …
CFP: International Conference: “Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives” (University of Lisbon, 19th June 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the forthcoming International Conference Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives. …
CFP: Natural and Revealed Theology in the German Enlightenment (IRH-ICUB, University of Bucharest, 23th-24th May 2019,)
We are glad to inform that the call for papers Natural and Revealed Theology in the German Enlightenment is now open. The …
New Release: Birgit Sandkaulen, “Jacobis Philosophie. Über den Widerspruch zwischen System und Freiheit” (Meiner, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Jacobis Philosophie. Über den Widerspruch zwischen System und …
New Release: Huaping Lu-Adler, “Kant and the science of logic” (Oxford University Press, 2018)
We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical …
cfp: hegel and freedom
We are glad to inform that the call for papers is open for the conference on “Hegel and Freedom” that …
II Australian Hegel Society Conference in collaboration with the Marie Curie Project ‘Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy’: “Naturalism and Sociality” (Sydney, 14-15 February, 2019)
We are glad to announce that the Australian Hegel Society in collaboration with the Marie Curie Project ‘Naturalism in Classical …
CFP: KANTIAN POLITICAL THEORY/PHILOSOPHY TODAY (2019 ECPR General Conference. 4-7 September, Wroclaw)
We are glad to inform that a call for paper proposals is open for the Kantian Standing Group section of …
Seminario: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Giulia Battistoni, “«Hat wissen können?»: il ruolo dell’agire non intenzionale nella teoria hegeliana dell’azione” (Padova, 29 gennaio 2019)
Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 29 gennaio 2019, in occasione del settimo incontro del seminario di dottorato “Temi e …
CFA: Schelling on Freedom in and after 1809
We are glad to inform that the call for abstract proposals is open for the International Conference on “Schelling on Freedom …
New Release: «Symphilosophie – International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism»
We are pleased to give notice of the release of a new journal dedicated to romantic philosophy and thought: Symphilosophie …
Nuovo numero di «Verifiche» – Anno XLII, N. 1-2, 2018
Annunciamo l’uscita del nuovo numero di «Verifiche. Rivista semestrale di Scienze Umane» (Anno XLII, N. 1-2, 2018). … II volume contiene i …
hpd – holidays: Gilles Marmasse, “Comment fonder la philosophie? L’idéalisme allemand et la question du principe premier” (Arianna Longo)
hegelpd takes a holiday. In this period we publish some posts already appeared on the blog. Proponiamo la recensione …