tag » dean moyar

New Release: Dean Moyar, “Hegel’s Value. Justice as the Living Good” (Oxford University Press, 2021)

Armando Manchisi // Mar 8, 2021

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegel’s Value. Justice as the Living Good by …

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Seminario: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Dean Moyar, “The Proximity of Philosophy to Religion. Hegel’s Evaluative Reason” (Padova, 25 giugno)

Alessandro Esposito // Jun 22, 2019

Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 25 giugno 2019,  in occasione del tredicesimo incontro del seminario di dottorato “Temi e problemi …

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Review: D. Moyar (ed.), “The Oxford Handbook of Hegel” (Michele Cardani)

Niccolò Sbolci // May 26, 2018

We are glad to give notice of the review of “The Oxford Handbook of Hegel”, written by by Michele Cardani …

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“Hegel’s Value”. Two talks by Dean Moyar (Milano, April 10-11)

Armando Manchisi // Apr 7, 2018

We are glad to give notice that Dean Moyar (Johns Hopkins University) will give at the Università degli Studi di …

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Conference on Robert Brandom’s forthcoming “A Spirit of Trust” (Berlin, June 19th-21st 2014)

Luca Corti // May 14, 2014

An important conference on Robert Brandom’s book A Spirit of Trust will be held at the Freie Universität Berlin, Institut …

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