tag » freedom

Workshop: “Mit Hegel” (Kassel, 24-25 June 2022)

Giulia La Rocca // Jun 19, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the workshop Mit Hegel, which will find place on June 24th (12:00 – 19:00 …

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CFP: «Symphilosophie» (vol. 5, 2023), “Romantic Aesthetics and Freedom”

Giulia La Rocca // May 2, 2022

We are very glad to give notice of the Call for Papers for the issue of «Symphilosophie» (vol. 5, 2023), …

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CFP: “Europe. Roots and perspectives on an idea starting from classical German philosophy” («Archivio di Filosofia» XC, 1/2022)

Giulia La Rocca // Dec 5, 2021

We are glad to announce the Call for Papers for the new issue of «Archivio di Filosofia» (XC, 1/2022). The …

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New Release: Werner Flach, Christian Krijnen (eds.), “Kant und Hegel über Freiheit” (Brill, 2021)

Barbara Santini // Nov 26, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Kant und Hegel über Freiheit, edited by Werner …

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New Release: Silvan Imhof, Jörg Noller (eds.), “Kants Freiheitsbegriff (1786-1800)” (Meiner, 2021)

Barbara Santini // Nov 24, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Kants Freiheitsbegriff (1786-1800). Dokumentation einer Debatte, edited by …

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New Release: Miguel Giusti, “La traversía de la libertad. Ensayos sobre Hegel” (Abada Editores, 2021)

Mattia Megli // Sep 28, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume La traversía de la libertad. Ensayos sobre Hegel …

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HPD – HOLIDAYS: Eleonora Cugini, “La Wirklichkeit, o le disavventure della libertà. Un percorso tra la Critica del giudizio teleologico di Kant e la Dottrina dell’essenza di Hegel” (PUP, 2020)

Saša Hrnjez // Aug 14, 2021

hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group.  …

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CFA: UK Kant Society ECR workshop: “Independence and Kant’s Positive Conception of Freedom” (22 September 2021)

Laura Dequal // Jul 12, 2021

We are glad to give notice that UK Kant Society (UKKS) is inviting graduate students and early career researchers for …

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EVENT: UKKS Annual Online Lecture: Pauline Kleingeld: “Independence and Kant’s Positive Conception of Freedom” (21 September 2021)

Laura Dequal // Jul 10, 2021

We are glad to give notice that on September 21, 2021, 3pm-5pm (UK time) the UK Kant Society (UKKS) we’ll …

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New Release: Odradek (Vol 7, No 1, 2021): “Love Matters, Hegelian Patterns. A Symposium on Paul Kottman’s ‘Love as Human Freedom'”

Saša Hrnjez // Jul 5, 2021

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the new issue of Odradek. Studies in Philosophy of Literature, …

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CFP: “Legal, economic, and political in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law” (Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History)

Niccolò Sbolci // Jun 25, 2021

We are glad to give notice that the Call for Papers Legal, economic, and political in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law …

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New Release: Thomas Buchheim, Thomas Frisch, Nora C. Wachsmann (Eds.), “Schellings Freiheitsschrift – Methode, System, Kritik” (Mohr Siebeck, 2021)

Barbara Santini // Apr 23, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Schellings Freiheitsschrift – Methode, System, Kritik edited by …

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New Release: Dirk Setton “Autonomie und Willkür” (De Gruyter, 2021)

Niccolò Sbolci // Mar 24, 2021

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book Autonomie und Willkür. Kant und die Zweideutigkeit …

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New Release: Studia Hegeliana (vol. 6 – 2020): “Verdad y Libertad en Hegel y Schelling III” (ed. by Juan J. Padial and Andrés Ortigosa)

Niccolò Sbolci // Feb 24, 2021

We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of Studia Hegeliana (vol. 6 – 2020) devoted …

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NEW RELEASE: Dennis Vanden Auweele, “Exceeding Reason. Freedom and Religion in Schelling and Nietzsche” (De Gruyter, 2020)

Giulia La Rocca // Jan 21, 2021

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book Exceeding Reason. Freedom and Religion in Schelling …

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New Release: Problemata. International Journal of Philosophy (v. 11 n. 4, 2020): “Hegel: Dialética, Ciência e Liberdade” (ed. by Marloren Lopes Miranda and Michela Bordignon)

hegelpd // Dec 23, 2020

We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of Problemata. International Journal of Philosophy (v. 11 …

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NEW RELEASE: Klaus Vieweg: “The Idealism of Freedom” (Brill, 2020)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 6, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the book The Idealism of Freedom, by Klaus Vieweg (Brill, 2020). …

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Book Discussion on “boundary2”: Karen Ng, “Hegel’s Concept of Life” (Jensen Suther)

Niccolò Sbolci // Sep 29, 2020

We are glad to give notice of Jensen Suther’s discussion of Karen Ng, Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic (Oxford …

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