tag » history of philosophy

Conferenza: A. Bellantone, “Hegel in Francia: esplorazioni post-kojèviane” (Padova, 28 gennaio 2015)

Marco Ferrari // Jan 26, 2015

Mercoledì 28 gennaio 2015, Andrea Bellantone, decano della Faculté de Philosophie presso l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse, terrà una conferenza a Padova …

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CFP: “Freedom and Autonomy”. 18th Graduate conference in Philosophy (University of Essex, 9 May 2015)

Federico Orsini // Jan 21, 2015

An international graduate conference in philosophy on the question of human freedom will be held on the May, 9th 2015 …

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Intervista a Remo Bodei

Marco Ferrari // Dec 24, 2014

Martedì 26 novembre 2014, Remo Bodei, Professor in Residence presso la University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), ha tenuto, presso …

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Conferenza: Remo Bodei, “La civetta e la talpa, il concetto di filosofia in Hegel” (Padova, 26 novembre 2014)

Alessandro Esposito // Dec 23, 2014

Siamo lieti di presentare il video della conferenza del prof. Remo Bodei, “La civetta e la talpa, il concetto di …

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CFP: “Kantism beyond the Schools: Recent contributions to the history of Kantism”, thematic issue of «Philosophia Scientiæ»

Andrea Gambarotto // Dec 16, 2014

The Journal Philosophia Scientiæ has opened a call for paper for the next special issue, which will be dedicated to the …

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CFP: Unconditional Thinking (11th De Philosophia Conference, Ottawa, April 11th 2015)

Alessandro Esposito // Nov 24, 2014

We are pleased to announce a call for papers (for graduate and undergraduate students) for conference on Unconditional Thinking, organized by …

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Call for Papers: Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of Hegelian Studies

hegelpd // Oct 7, 2014

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the next issue of the REH (Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online …

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Extended Submission Deadline! – CFP: “Nature and Freedom”. 12th International Kant Congress, Vienna, 21.-25.09.2015

Selene Mezzalira // Sep 26, 2014

The program committee has extended the deadline for submission of abstracts and papers for the 12th International Kant Congress, to …

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Slavic Reception of the Thought of Hegel (Warsaw, October, 10th, 2014)

Alessandro Esposito // Sep 15, 2014

We are glad to announce a new conference about the slavic reception of the thought of Hegel. The conference will …

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Call for Papers: The Society for German Idealism Meeting (Vancouver, April 1-5, 2015)

Federico Sanguinetti // Aug 8, 2014

The Society for German Idealism announces a Call for Papers for the meeting which will take place in Vancouver (Canada), …

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“Idealism and Pragmatism: Convergence or Contestation?” Paris, Collège de France, May 21-22, 2015

Elena Tripaldi // Jul 31, 2014

A new conference will be held in the context of the international project “Idealism and Pragmatism: Convergence or Contestation?”, funded …

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Special Issue of «Philosophical Readings»: “Ideengeschichtliche Quellen der Ethik Kants”

hegelpd // Jun 25, 2014

The last issue of Philosophical Readings (IV, 1) is dedicated to Kant. The issue, entitled Ideengeschichtliche Quellen der Ethik Kants, …

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Temi e problemi della filosofia hegeliana: la filosofia dell’arte (VIII) – Leonardo Amoroso, “Hegel, Heidegger e la storia dell’estetica” (ANNULLATO)

Francesco Campana // May 26, 2014


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Conference: “Philosophies allemandes de l’histoire” (Bruxelles, 30th May 2014)

Federico Bianchi // May 19, 2014

We are pleased to announce a workshop entitled Philosophie allemandes de l’histoire, (Bruxelles, 30th May 2014). The conference has been organized by the PHI …

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Conference: “Perfectionism in Ethics after Kant: A History” (Sheffield, 5th – 6th June)

Francesco Campana // May 5, 2014

We are pleased to annouce the conference Perfectionism in Ethics after Kant: A History. The conference will take place on  …

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XII Internationaler Kant Kongress: Call for Papers

Elena Tripaldi // Apr 30, 2014

The call for papers for the XII International Kant Congress (September 21st to 25th, 2015) is now open. Submissions should …

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1st Brussels Seminar in Modern Philosophy (Bruxelles, May 07, 2014)

Alessandro Esposito // Apr 28, 2014

We are pleased to announce the coming of the “1st Brussels Seminar in Modern Philosophy” that will take place in …

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30th International Hegel Conference of the International Hegel-Society and the University of Vienna

Federico Sanguinetti // Apr 18, 2014

We are pleased to announce the 30th International Hegel Conference of the International Hegel-Society (Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft) and the University of …

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