tag » kant

New Release: Stefano Marino, Pietro Terzi (eds.), “Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment in the 20th Century” (De Gruyter, 2020)

Giulia Bernard // Feb 15, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment in the 20th …

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CFP: “Kantian Constructivism”, Kant Yearbook (14/2022)

Niccolò Sbolci // Feb 11, 2021

We are glad to announce that the call for papers for the fourteenth issue of the Kant Yearbook in 2022 …

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CFP: IX Multilateral Kant Colloquium: “Justice, Peace, and Cosmopolitan Values” (Lisbon, 22-24 September, 2021)

Armando Manchisi // Feb 10, 2021

We are pleased to announce that the Call for Papers for the IX Multilateral Kant Colloquium: Justice, Peace, and Cosmopolitan …

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ONLINE WORKSHOP: Kant and Metaphysics (Wuppertal, 19 February, 2021)

Giulia La Rocca // Feb 9, 2021

We are pleased to give notice of the online workshop Kant and Metaphysics, organized by Manja Kisner and Gesa Wellmann at …

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New Release: Birgit Sandkaulen, Walter Jaeschke (eds.), “Jacobi und Kant” (Meiner, 2021)

Giulia Bernard // Feb 9, 2021

We are very pleased to give notice of the volume Jacobi und Kant edited by Birgit Sandkaulen und Walter Jaeschke (Meiner, 2021). …

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Workshop: “Independence in Kant’s Political Philosophy” (Rotterdam, 25-26 February 2021)

Niccolò Sbolci // Feb 8, 2021

We are very pleased to give notice of the Rotterdam online workshop on Independence in Kant’s Political Philosophy, which will …

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CICLO DI INCONTRI: “Lo spazio dell’abitare e la nascita della metropoli nel pensiero filosofico da Kant al Novecento” (Febbraio – Marzo 2021)

Giulia La Rocca // Feb 3, 2021

Siamo lietɜ di annunciare il ciclo di incontri Lo spazio dell’abitare e la nascita della metropoli nel pensiero filosofico da Kant …

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In Memoriam: Prof. Leonardo Amoroso

hegelpd // Feb 2, 2021

Sabato 30 gennaio si è spento all’età di 68 anni Leonardo Amoroso. Formatosi all’Università di Pisa e alla Scuola Normale …

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WORKSHOP: Rational Cosmology from the German and French Enlightnment to Kant (Leuven, 25-26 February)

Giulia La Rocca // Jan 28, 2021

We are very pleased to give notice of the Leuven online Workshop on Rational Cosmology form German and French Enlightnment …

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New Release: Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (CXII, 3/2020) “Rethinking Objectivity: With and Beyond Kant” (ed. by Günter Abel and Gualtiero Lorini)

Niccolò Sbolci // Jan 26, 2021

We are glad to announce the release of a new issue of Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (CXII, 3/2020) devoted to Rethinking …

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CFP: “Kant – ontologie et métaphysique: sources, transformations et héritages” XVe Congrès international de la Société d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française (Milan, 28th-30th September 2021)

Niccolò Sbolci // Jan 14, 2021

We are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the 15th International Congress of the Société d’Etudes Kantiennes de Langue …

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CFP: “Kant and the Cartesian Tradition”, Kant e-Prints (2021)

Niccolò Sbolci // Jan 12, 2021

We are glad to give notice that a Call for Papers of Kant e-Prints – Revista Internacional de Filosofia on …

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HPD – HOLIDAYS: Review: Rudolf Meer, “Der transzendentale Grundsatz der Vernunft. Funktion und Struktur des Anhangs zur Transzendentalen Dialektik der Kritik der reinen Vernunft” (Annapaola Varaschin)

hegelpd // Jan 3, 2021

We are happy to share Annapaola Varaschin‘s review of the book Der transzendentale Grundsatz der Vernunft. Funktion und Struktur des …

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NEW RELEASE: Ansgar Lyssy, Christopher Yeomans (eds.), “Kant on Morality, Humanity, and Legality” (Palgrave, 2020)

Silvia Locatelli // Dec 15, 2020

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Kant on Morality, Humanity, and Legality. Practical Dimensions …

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NEW RELEASE: Lorenzo Pizzichemi, “L’uso di sé. Il concetto di ‘uso’ in Kant e la questione del fondamento della filosofia trascendentale” (Mulino, 2020)

Saša Hrnjez // Dec 10, 2020

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book  L’uso di sé. Il concetto di ‘uso’ …

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Online Event: 3. Frankfurter Kant-Vorlesung (16 December, 2020)

Giulia Bernard // Dec 7, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the 3. Frankfurter Kant-Vorlesung which will be held at 18.00 (CET) on December 16th, …

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CFP: Workshop: Rational Cosmology from the German and French Enlightenment to Kant

Giulia La Rocca // Dec 4, 2020

We are pleased to give notice that a Call for Papers has been opened for the Workshop Rational Cosmology from …

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Talk: Francey Russell (Barnard/Columbia) “Opacity and Self-Consciousness in Kant’s Theory of Aesthetic Judgment” (Dec 4th, 2020 – New York German Idealism Workshop)

Elena Tripaldi // Dec 2, 2020

We are glad to give notice of the upcoming talk at the New York German Idealism Workshop. Francey Russell (Barnard/Columbia) …

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