tag » kant

Convegno: “Le forme del sapere. La filosofia classica tedesca ieri e oggi” (Parma, 10-12 Settembre 2019)

Giulia La Rocca // Jul 24, 2019

Siamo lieti di annunciare il convegno Le forme del sapere. La filosofia classica tedesca ieri e oggi che si terrà presso …

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St. Andrews Kant Reading Party: “Kant and Leibniz” (St. Andrews, 30 July-2 August)

Filippo Sanguettoli // Jul 22, 2019

We are pleased to give notice of the 12th edition of the Saint Andrews Kant Reading Party, that will be …

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Internationale Tagung zum 200. Todestag Friedrich Heinrich Jacobis: “Jacobi und Kant” (Bochum, 28-30 November)

Giulia Bernard // Jul 19, 2019

We are very glad to give notice of the Internationale Tagung “Jacobi und Kant“, organised on the occasion of the …

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Conference: “Kant and the Systematicity of the Sciences” (Frankfurt, 8-11 July 2019)

Giulia Bernard // Jul 5, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Kant and the Systematicity of the Sciences, which will take place …

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Workshop (DAAD): “Forms of Nature in Classical German Philosophy” (Padua, July 4th-5th 2019)

Luca Corti // Jun 30, 2019

We are very pleased to announce that the 4th Padua-Bochum DAAD workshop on Forms of Nature in Classical German Philosophy will …

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Call for Articles and Special Issues: The Kantian Journal

Elena Tripaldi // Jun 20, 2019

We are glad to notify that the Kantian Journal (ISSN 0207-6918; e-ISSN 2310-3701) now welcomes article submissions and new proposals …

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New Release: “Contemporary Ethics and Politics: Kant Resonances” – Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (Volume 75 – Issue 1 – April 2019)

Silvia Locatelli // Jun 8, 2019

We are pleased to announce that the journal Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia has published its latest issue (2019, Volume 75 …

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Seminario: Kant’s Opus Postumum (Milano, 12 giugno 2019)

Giulia Bernard // Jun 6, 2019

Siamo lieti di annunciare il ciclo di seminari dottorale dal titolo Kant’s Opus Postumum, tenuto dal prof. Eckart Förster (Johns …

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Workshop: Kant on Natural Laws (Potsdam, 3 June 2019)

Alessandro Esposito // May 27, 2019

We are glad to give notice that the workshop Kant on Natural Laws will take place on June 6th at the Universität Potsdam. …

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Conference: “Philosophy and Madness: from Kant to Hegel and Beyond” (Rome, 30-31 May 2019)

Francesco Campana // May 19, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the conference Philosophy and Madness: from Kant to Hegel and Beyond, which will …

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Conference: Kant on the Foundations of Mathematics and Cosmology. What Legacy for German Idealism and Beyond? (Barcelona, 17-18 September 2019)

Giulia La Rocca // May 17, 2019

We are glad to announce the Conference Kant on the Foundations of Mathematics and Cosmology. What Legacy for German Idealism …

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Conference: “Religion, Normativity and Politics: Grounds and Implications of Deep Disagreements” (Oxford, 17-18 May 2019)

Armando Manchisi // May 16, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the conference Religion, Normativity and Politics: Grounds and Implications of Deep Disagreements, which …

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Conference: Immanuel Kant 1724 – 2024. Ein europäischer Denker (Berlin, 27-29 May 2019)

Giulia Bernard // May 16, 2019

We are very pleased to give notice that the conference Immanuel Kant 1724 – 2024. Ein europäischer Denker will be …

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International Workshop: “Fürwahrhalten: Return of the Kantians” (Cologne, May 29-31, 2019)

Giovanna Luciano // May 15, 2019

We are glad to inform you that the International Workshop Fürwahrhalten: Return of the Kantians will take place at the University …

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Workshop: “Kant and the Systematicity of Nature” (Edinburgh, 16-17 May 2019)

Armando Manchisi // May 15, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the international workshop Kant and the Systematicity of Nature, which will take place …

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Conference: Analytic Kantianism (Leipzig, 8-10 July 2019)

Silvia Locatelli // May 13, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the Conference “Analytic Kantianism”, which will take place on 8th-10th July at the University of …

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Conference: “Limiting Concepts in Kant and German Idealism” (Potsdam, 1-2 July 2019)

Niccolò Sbolci // May 6, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the conference Limiting Concepts in Kant and German Idealism which will take place …

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Theoretical and Practical Self-Consciousness: A Conference at the University of Patras

Saša Hrnjez // May 1, 2019

We are glad to inform you that conference Theoretical and Practical Self-Consciousness will take place on 18th-20th of June 2019 at …

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