tag » kant

Material: Ludwig Siep, “Formen des Widerstandsrechts bei Kant, Fichte, Hegel und den Frühkonstitutionalisten”

Armando Manchisi // Apr 25, 2019

25 April is the Anniversary that commemorates Italy’s Liberation, accomplished by the partisan forces, which put an end to the …

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CFP: «Con-Textos Kantianos»: “Kant’s Cosmopolitanism. Tradition and Perspectives”

Daniele Bertoletti // Apr 13, 2019

We are glad to give notice that a call for papers of the international journal Con-Textos Kantianos on the topic “Kant’s Cosmopolitanism. Tradition …

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New Release: Alfredo Ferrarin, “Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique of Kant” (Northwestern University Press, 2019)

Giovanna Luciano // Apr 11, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book “Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique …

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Conference: “Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic” (Leuven, 23-24 May 2019)

Silvia Locatelli // Apr 10, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the conference Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic, which will take place on May 23rd and 24th, …

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Book review on NDPR: Courtney D. Fugate, John Hymers (eds.), “Baumgarten and Kant on Metaphysics” (Oliver Thorndike)

Niccolò Sbolci // Apr 5, 2019

We are glad to give notice of Oliver Thorndike’s review of Baumgarten and Kant on Metaphysics edited by Courtney D. Fugate and …

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New Release: Immanuel Kant “Pensieri sulla vera valutazione delle forze vive” (Mimesis, 2019)

Niccolò Sbolci // Apr 3, 2019

Siamo lieti di segnalare l’uscita della nuova edizione dei Pensieri sulla vera valutazione delle forze vive di Immanuel Kant, curato …

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CFP: International Conference: “Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives” (University of Lisbon, 19th June 2019)

Alessandro Esposito // Mar 29, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the forthcoming International Conference Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives. …

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Review: “Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction” by Huaping Lu-Adler

Elena Tripaldi // Mar 27, 2019

We are happy to give notice that the volume Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction by Huaping Lu-Adler …

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LABORATORIO DI GNOSEOLOGIA E METAFISICA: L.A. Macor: “Kant e Lessing su dialogo, polemica e pluralismo. La necessità dell”altro'” (Verona, 25 Marzo 2019)

Giulia La Rocca // Mar 21, 2019

Siamo lieti di segnalare l’intervento della prof.ssa Laura A. Macor, Lessing e Kant su dialogo, polemica e pluralismo. La necessità dell’“altro”, all’interno …

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New Release: Huaping Lu-Adler, “Kant and the science of logic” (Oxford University Press, 2018)

Silvia Locatelli // Feb 27, 2019

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical …

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CFP: “UK Kant Society Annual Conference 2019: Problems of Kant’s Philosophy” (Bristol, 11-12 August 2019)

Filippo Sanguettoli // Feb 25, 2019

We are glad to inform that a call for papers is now open for the Annual Conference of the UK …

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NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers (Durham, June, 19th-July, 19th 2019): Philosophical Responses to Empiricism in Kant, Hegel, and Sellars

Elena Tripaldi // Feb 24, 2019

We are happy to give notice that applications are now open for the NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers, to be …

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Kant’s Scots: Bi-Annual St. Andrews/Edinburgh Workshop on Kant’s Philosophy (University of St. Andrews, 8th March 2019)

Elena Tripaldi // Feb 24, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the Bi-Annual St. Andrews Workshop on Kant’s Philosophy, which will take place on …

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cfp: wuhan kant conference

Silvia Locatelli // Feb 23, 2019

We are glad to inform that the call for papers is open for the “Wuhan Kant Conference” that will take place …

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2nd CFA: “International Workshop on Kant and Contemporary Epistemology” (Cologne, 29-31 May 2019)

Niccolò Sbolci // Feb 19, 2019

We would like to remind that the deadline of the call for abstracts for the International Workshop on Kant and Contemporary …

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Sandra Viviana Palermo: “Más allá de los límites del pensar discursivo. Notas sobre la figura del entendimiento intuitivo en la Critíca del la facultad de juzar” (Verifiche XLII, 2018, N. 1-2, p. 5-37)

Giulia La Rocca // Feb 4, 2019

Segnaliamo la disponibilità in Open Access di un articolo di Sandra Viviana Palermo, intitolato Más allá de los límites del pensar discursivo. Notas sobre …

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CFP: KANTIAN POLITICAL THEORY/PHILOSOPHY TODAY (2019 ECPR General Conference. 4-7 September, Wroclaw)

Alessandro Esposito // Feb 2, 2019

We are glad to inform that a call for paper proposals is open for the Kantian Standing Group section of …

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CFA: “International Workshop on Kant and Contemporary Epistemology” (Cologne, 29-31 May 2019)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Jan 31, 2019

We are glad to inform that a call for papers is now open for the International Workshop on Kant and Contemporary …

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