tag » kant

Talk: Kant 1724-2024 Lecture Series (IV): Alfredo Ferrarin, Il modo simbolico di espressione delle idee (Padova, 22 March, 2024)

Giovanna Luciano // Mar 14, 2024

We are glad to give notice that Alfredo Ferrarin (Scuola Normale Superiore) will give a talk at the University of Padova …

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New Release: Gianluca Sadun Bordoni (ed.), “Immanuel Kant: Naturrecht Feyerabend” (Frommann-Holzboog, 2024).

Giulia La Rocca // Mar 12, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Immanuel Kant: Naturrecht Feyerabend, edited by Gianluca Sadun …

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New Release: Goran Vranešević (ed.), “The Idea of the Good in Kant and Hegel” (University of Ljubljana Press, 2024)

Giulia Bernard // Mar 10, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume The Idea of the Good in Kant and …

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CFA: “Kant and Democracy” (Oslo, 19-20 September 2024)

Mattia Megli // Mar 5, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the call for abstracts for the third annual conference Kant and Democracy, which …

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Seminar IISF: Luca Corti, “La questione dell'”antropologia” nella filosofia classica tedesca: uomo, natura e spirito” (IISF Naples, 4-5 March 2024)

Mattia Megli // Mar 4, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the cycle of seminars La questione dell’ “antropologia” nella filosofia classica tedesca: uomo, natura …

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New Release: Francesca Iannelli, Mariannina Failla (eds.), “Philosophy and madness. From Kant to Hegel and beyond”

Giulia La Rocca // Feb 23, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Philosophy and madness. From Kant to Hegel and beyond, …

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New Release: Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla, “Kant and the Problem of Nothingness” (Bloomsbury, 2024)

Giulia La Rocca // Feb 22, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the book Kant and the Problem of Nothingness. A Latin American Study and …

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Events: “Virtual Kant Congress with a Cosmopolitan Purpose” (Online, 2024)

Giovanni Mezzavilla // Feb 20, 2024

We are pleased to give notice of the Virtual Kant Congress with a Cosmopolitan Purpose (VKC), by Andrew Chignell (Princeton), Karin …

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Event: Claudio La Rocca “Il nostro difficile rapporto con la verità” (IISF Naples, 22 February 2024)

Mattia Megli // Feb 19, 2024

We are please to give notice of the lecture Il nostro difficile rapporto con la verità. La ragione critica nel mondo …

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New Release: Martin Beck, “Konstruktion und Entäußerung” (Meiner, 2023)

Mattia Megli // Feb 16, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Konstruktion und Entäußerung. Bildlogik und anschauliches Denken bei Kant …

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Kant Workshop (Fribourg, 15 February 2024)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Feb 11, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Kant Workshop will take place at the Université de Fribourg, Switzerland (Misericorde, Av. …

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Events: E. Cafagna, “Contro la guerra permanente. Kant e il futuro dello stato civile” (IISF Naples, 19-21 February 2024)

Mattia Megli // Feb 11, 2024

We are pleased to give the notice of the event Contro la guerra permanente. Kant e il futuro dello stato …

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CFP: «Kant Yearbook» n. 17, 2025

Giovanni Mezzavilla // Feb 6, 2024

We are glad to give notice that the call for papers for the seventeenth issue of the «Kant Yearbook» (2025) is now …

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CFP: Immanuel Kant 300th Anniversary Conference “Critical Philosophy for Cosmopolitan Justice and Perpetual Peace” (Lisbon, 17-19 September 2024)

Giulia La Rocca // Feb 1, 2024

We are glad to give notice that the call for papers for the Immanuel Kant 300th Anniversary Conference Critical Philosophy for Cosmopolitan Justice …

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CFA: UKKS Annual Kant Conference: “Kant at 300 on Reason, Nature, and Freedom” (Dublin, 20-21st May 2024)

Giovanni Mezzavilla // Jan 26, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the call for abstracts Kant at 300 on Reason, Nature, and Freedom, for the …

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CFP: “Ideas in Kant’s Philosophy”, «Il Pensiero» (LXIII/2)

Elisa Gremmo // Jan 24, 2024

We are glad to give notice that the call for papers for the issue of «Il Pensiero» (LXIII/2), entitled Ideas …

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CFP: Special Issue “Borders, Races, Gender and Labor in Kantian Philosophy” (Con-Textos Kantianos)

Niccolò Sbolci // Jan 15, 2024

We are glad to give notice that a call for papers of Con-Textos Kantianos. International Journal of Philosophy on the …

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Philosophischer Meisterkurs “Kant und die Religion” (München, 26th-28th February 2024)

Niccolò Sbolci // Dec 22, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the Philosophischer Meisterkurs Kant und die Religion with Prof. Dr. Lawrence Pasternack (Oklahoma), …

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