tag » kant

CFA: “Conceptions of Experience in the German Enlightenment Between Wolff and Kant” (Leuven, February 24-25, 2017)

Alessandro Esposito // Oct 7, 2016

We are glad to announce that a conference on Conceptions of Experience in the German Enlightenment Between Wolff and Kant will be …

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International Conference: “Leibniz: Legacy and Impact” (Manchester Metropolitan University, 5th November 2016)

Iacopo Chiaravalli // Oct 5, 2016

We are pleased to announce the international conference “Leibniz: Legacy and Impact” that will be held at the Manchester Metropolitan …

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CFP: Eco, Kant and the Platypus: Twenty years after (Rivista di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 11(1), 2017), Deadline: 28/02/2017

Andrea Gambarotto // Sep 27, 2016

Twenty years ago Umberto Eco published Kant e l’ornitorinco (the English-language version, Kant and the Platypus, came out in 1999), …

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Conference: “Kant, Rights, and the State”

Elisa Bello // Sep 19, 2016

We are glad to announce that a conference on “Kant, Rights, and the State” will take place at the University …

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CFA: “Kant’s A-Deduction” (Leuven, December 12-13, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Sep 12, 2016

We are glad to announce that the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven has organized a conference addressing the issue of “Kant’s A-Deduction”. The …

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Call for articles: Revista Opinião Filosófica, “Teorias da Justiça e Filosofia do Direito​”

Federico Orsini // Sep 10, 2016

We are pleased to announce that the online journal “Revista Opinião Filosófica“ opened a call for articles for the second …

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New release: Studi Kantiani, 2015 (with a special section on “Kant and biology”)

Daniele Bertoletti // Aug 22, 2016

We are happy to announce the publication of the 2015 issue of Studi kantiani, which contains a special section on …

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CFP: Models of Human and Divine Intellect in Kant and Hegel (Tübingen, February 16th-18th, 2017)

Armando Manchisi // Aug 12, 2016

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the workshop “Models of human and divine intellect in Kant and …

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New Book: Gianluca Garelli, “La questione della bellezza. Dialettica e storia di un’idea filosofica”

Alessandro Esposito // Jul 18, 2016

Segnaliamo l’uscita dell’ultimo libro di Gianluca Garelli La questione della bellezza. Dialettica e storia di un’idea filosofica (Einaudi, 2016). … Dalla poesia …

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New Book: Alfredo Ferrarin, “Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant”

Iacopo Chiaravalli // Jul 15, 2016

Siamo felici di annunciare la pubblicazione del volume di Alfredo Ferrarin, Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di …

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CFP: “VIIth Multilateral Kant Colloquium” (Halle/Sale, April 28-30, 2017)

Arianna Longo // Jul 13, 2016

The Immanuel-Kant-Forum at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), in collaboration with “Kant-Gesellschaft”, “Aufklärung – Religion – Wissen” (MLU), “Interdisciplinary Center for the …

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Conference: “Kant, Rights, and the State” (Merton College, University of Oxford, September 24-25, 2016)

Daniele Bertoletti // Jul 8, 2016

We are glad to announce that a conference on Kant, Rights, and the State will be held at Merton College (University of Oxford) on …

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Conference: “The Disunity of Reason: On Kant’s Antinomies” (Berlin, July 18th-19th)

Elena Tripaldi // Jul 2, 2016

We are glad to announce that a conference will be held in Berlin, entitled “The Disunity of Reason: On Kant’s …

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Elena Tripaldi // Jul 2, 2016

We are glad to announce that a conference will be held in Berlin, entitled “The Disunity of Reason: On Kant’s …

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Reviews: O. Boehm, “Kant’s Critique of Spinoza” (G. Luciano) / L. Ruggiu, “Lo spirito è tempo. Saggi su Hegel” (G. Califano)

Armando Manchisi // Jun 10, 2016

Siamo lieti di proporre il testo di due recensioni apparse sull’ultimo numero della rivista Verifiche (anno XLIV – N. 1-4, gennaio-dicembre 2015, …

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Conference: “Continental and Analytic Kantianism” (Dublin, June 15th-17th, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Jun 6, 2016

We are glad to inform that the International Conference “Continental and Analytic Kantianism. The Legacy of Kant in Meillassoux’s and …

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Conference: “Dialectic and the Ends of Reason” (Pisa, June 8th-10th, 2016)

Giovanna Luciano // Jun 3, 2016

We are glad to inform that the International Conference “Dialectic and the Ends of Reason” will be held at the University of Pisa on June …

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New Book: “Filosofia classica tedesca: le parole chiave”, a cura di L. Illetterati e P. Giuspoli

Marco Ferrari // May 24, 2016

Segnaliamo l’uscita del nuovo libro Filosofia classica tedesca: le parole chiave, a cura di L. Illetterati e P. Giuspoli (Carocci, 2016). Dalla …

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