tag » kant

Conference: “Die Tradition des Idealismus – Symposion zum 75. Geburtstag von Klaus Düsing” (Köln, January 15, 2016)

Giovanna Luciano // Dec 29, 2015

We are pleased to announce the International Conference: “Die Tradition des Idealismus – Symposion zum 75. Geburtstag von Klaus Düsing“, …

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CFP: “Kanthropology: Kant’s Anthropology and its Legacy” (Kingston University, London, May 19-20, 2016)

Elisa Bello // Dec 23, 2015

We are glad to announce that a call for papers has been opened for the 2016 CRMEP Graduate Conference (Centre …

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CFP: “Kant, Metaethics and Value” (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, May 14-15, 2016)

Alessandro Esposito // Dec 21, 2015

We gladly announce that a call for papers has been opened for the annual Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference, which will …

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Seminario: Andrea Gambarotto, “Biological Autonomy: il concetto di Naturzweck tra filosofia classica tedesca e dibattito contemporaneo” (Padova, 15 dicembre 2015)

Elisa Bello // Dec 14, 2015

Martedì 15 dicembre 2015 si terrà il secondo incontro della serie di seminari intitolata Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: …

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‘Teleology beyond Regrets: On the Role of Schelling’s Organicism in Treviranus’ Biology’ (by A. Gambarotto)

Francesco Campana // Dec 9, 2015

On the occasion of the release of the new volume of Verifiche. Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane (2014, Vol. XLIII – N. 1-4), we are …

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Conference: “The Transcendental: Past, Present and Future” (Norwich, December 12-13, 2015)

Elisa Bello // Dec 4, 2015

We are pleased to announce the conference on “The Transcendental: Past, Present and Future”, which will be held at the …

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Seminario: Andrea Lugoboni, “Un vincolo problematico: l’unità tra forza formatrice e vita nella filosofia kantiana” (Padova, 1 dicembre 2015)

Michela Bordignon // Nov 30, 2015

Martedì 1 dicembre 2015 si terrà il primo incontro della serie di seminari intitolata Temi e problemi della filosofia classica …

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CFP: “Kant on Following Rules” (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, June 27-28, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Nov 27, 2015

We gladly announce that a call for papers has been opened for the first Berlin Kant Workshop, which will be …

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Book Discussion: Alfredo Ferrarin, “The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy” (Padova, November 30, 2015)

Giovanna Luciano // Nov 23, 2015

We are pleased to announce Alfredo Ferrarin’s “The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy” (The University …

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Conference: “Kant, Judgement, and Recent French Philosophy” (Staffordshire, December 11-12, 2015)

Giovanna Luciano // Nov 19, 2015

We are pleased to announce the International Conference on “Kant, Judgement, and Recent French Philosophy”, that will be held at the Staffordshire …

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Lo spazio come oggetto e come struttura: Leibniz e Kant

Michela Bordignon // Nov 17, 2015

Siamo lieti di segnalarvi il ciclo di conferenze tenute da Vincenzo De Risi (Max Plank Institute for the History of …

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Seminario di studi hegeliani (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 2015-2016)

Alessandro Esposito // Nov 16, 2015

Siamo lieti di presentare il Seminario di studi hegeliani, che si svolgerà dal mese di dicembre 2015 al mese di aprile 2016 presso la Scuola …

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Intervista a Mario Caimi e Maurizio Ferraris su Kant

Michela Bordignon // Nov 14, 2015

Siamo lieti di condividere l’intervista ai professori Mario Caimi e Maurizio Ferraris su Kant, registrata dal gruppo di ricerca Zetesis …

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CFP: “Perceptual Experience in Kant and German Idealism” (University of Warwick, March 18, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Nov 3, 2015

We are glad to announce that a call for papers has been opened for the postgraduate workshop on Perceptual Experience …

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Talk: Marcus Willaschek – “Kantian Autonomy without Self-Legislation of the Moral Law” (Amsterdam, October 30)

Armando Manchisi // Oct 27, 2015

We are glad to announce that on Friday, October 30th, Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek (Frankfurt) will give a talk at …

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Call for papers: “Readings of Hegel’s Logic”, Revista de Opinião Filosófica

Federico Orsini // Oct 23, 2015

We are glad to announce that a call for papers has been opened for the next issue of the online …

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Arianna Longo // Oct 16, 2015

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the fourth “Leuven Kant Conference”, which will be hosted by …

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New Issue of the Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of Hegelian Studies

Federico Sanguinetti // Oct 9, 2015

We are pleased to announce that the new issue of the Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of Hegelian Studies is …

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