tag » kant

Call for Papers: The Society for German Idealism Meeting (Vancouver, April 1-5, 2015)

Federico Sanguinetti // Aug 8, 2014

The Society for German Idealism announces a Call for Papers for the meeting which will take place in Vancouver (Canada), …

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Kant Festival: preliminary announcement (Keele University, 28th – 30th November, 2014)

Alessandro Esposito // Jul 25, 2014

We are pleased to announce the preliminary program of the Kant Festival. The festival will take place on 28th – 30th …

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Call for papers: “Kant and biology” (Studi Kantiani XXVIII, 2015)

Daniele Bertoletti // Jul 23, 2014

Studi kantiani is now accepting submissions for its 28th issue in 2015. Studi kantiani is an international journal that publishes articles on the philosophy …

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Workshop: “Ethics after Kant. A Workshop with Paul Guyer” (University of Luxembourg, 17-18 July 2014)

Francesco Campana // Jul 8, 2014

We are pleased to annouce the workshop “Ethics after Kant. A Workshop with Paul Guyer”. The workshop will take place …

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Special Issue of «Philosophical Readings»: “Ideengeschichtliche Quellen der Ethik Kants”

hegelpd // Jun 25, 2014

The last issue of Philosophical Readings (IV, 1) is dedicated to Kant. The issue, entitled Ideengeschichtliche Quellen der Ethik Kants, …

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Workshop: “Leituras da Lógica da Essência de Hegel” (Porto Alegre, 24th June 2014)

Francesco Campana // Jun 17, 2014

We are pleased to annouce the workshop Leituras da Lógica da Essência de Hegel. The workshop will take place at …

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Lecture: Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, “Autonome Vernunft und Normenbefolgung des Verstandes” (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 17th June 2014)

Michela Bordignon // Jun 9, 2014

We are glad to announce a lecture by Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (Universität Leipzig) entitled Autonome Vernunft und Normenbefolgung des Verstandes: Wie …

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Conference: “The Idea of Purposiveness in Kant and German Idealism” (KU Leuven, November 28th-29th, 2014)

Federico Orsini // Jun 2, 2014

We are pleased to announce that a conference entitled ‘The Idea of Purposiveness in Kant and German Idealism” has been organized …

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Report: Seminario dott.ssa Selene Mezzalira (Padova, 6 maggio 2014)

Francesco Campana // May 20, 2014

Il 6 maggio 2014 la dott.ssa Selene Mezzalira (Università degli Studi di Padova) è intervenuta all’interno del settimo incontro del …

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Conference: “Philosophies allemandes de l’histoire” (Bruxelles, 30th May 2014)

Federico Bianchi // May 19, 2014

We are pleased to announce a workshop entitled Philosophie allemandes de l’histoire, (Bruxelles, 30th May 2014). The conference has been organized by the PHI …

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Conference: “The concept of relation in Hegel” (Bruxelles, 16th May 2014)

Federico Orsini // May 12, 2014

We are pleased to announce the approaching of a conference on “The concept of relation in Hegel” (16th May 2014). The conference has …

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Call for papers: “Logic And Epistemology in Kant and Hegel” (Revista Opinião Filosófica)

Daniele Bertoletti // May 9, 2014

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the Revista Opinião Filosófica: LOGIC AND EPISTEMOLOGY IN KANT AND HEGEL …

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Conference: “Perfectionism in Ethics after Kant: A History” (Sheffield, 5th – 6th June)

Francesco Campana // May 5, 2014

We are pleased to annouce the conference Perfectionism in Ethics after Kant: A History. The conference will take place on  …

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Temi e problemi della filosofia hegeliana: la filosofia dell’arte (VII) – Selene Mezzalira, “La critica di Hegel all’estetica kantiana: genio e ..regolatezza”

Marco Ferrari // May 2, 2014

Martedì 6 maggio 2014 si terrà il settimo incontro del seminario del Corso di Dottorato in Filosofia dell’Università di Padova …

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XII Internationaler Kant Kongress: Call for Papers

Elena Tripaldi // Apr 30, 2014

The call for papers for the XII International Kant Congress (September 21st to 25th, 2015) is now open. Submissions should …

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1st Brussels Seminar in Modern Philosophy (Bruxelles, May 07, 2014)

Alessandro Esposito // Apr 28, 2014

We are pleased to announce the coming of the “1st Brussels Seminar in Modern Philosophy” that will take place in …

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Call for Papers: V Coloquio Multilateral Kant

Selene Mezzalira // Apr 24, 2014

Si segnala la call for papers per il “V Coloquio Multilateral Kant” che avrà luogo a Madrid dal 9 al …

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Nuovo Numero di “Studi Kantiani” (XXVI, 2013)

Daniele Bertoletti // Apr 23, 2014

Siamo lieti di annunciare l’uscita del nuovo numero della rivista diretta da Massimo Barale e Claudio La Rocca “Studi Kantiani”. Di seguito, …

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