tag » metaphilosophy

Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference: What is Philosophy? (Warwick 26th -28th June, 2019)

Giovanna Luciano // Jun 19, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference (WCPC): What is Philosophy? Past, present, future. The …

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Material: Thomas Meyer, “Geschichte der Philosophie versus systematisches Philosophieren – Acht Thesen am Beispiel Hegels”

Armando Manchisi // May 30, 2019

We are pleased to share an article by Thomas Meyer entitled Geschichte der Philosophie versus systematisches Philosophieren – Acht Thesen …

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Seminario: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Sebastian Stein, “The Self-Knowing Idea and Us. Hegel’s Non-Spiritualist Metaphilosophy” (Padova, 2 aprile)

Armando Manchisi // Mar 30, 2019

Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 2 aprile 2019,  in occasione dell’undicesimo incontro del seminario di dottorato “Temi e problemi …

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CFP: “What is Philosophy? Past, Present and Future” (Warwick, 26th-28th June 2019)

Giovanna Miolli // Mar 12, 2019

We are glad to inform that the Warwick Conference of Continental Philosophy (WCPC) has opened a call for papers for …

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hpd OA Week

hpd for OA week (I): James Kreines, “The Limits of Metatheory and the Interpretation of Hegel’s System” (Verifiche 2017)

Armando Manchisi // Oct 22, 2018

In occasione della Open Access Week, condividiamo con i nostri lettori l’articolo di James Kreines, The Limits of Metatheory and the …

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Antrittsvorlesung: Dina Emundts “Was heißt es, dass die Philosophie Geschichte hat?” (Freie Universität Berlin, 16th July 2018)

Elena Tripaldi // Jul 4, 2018

We are glad to announce that Prof. Dina Emundts (Freie Universität Berlin) will hold her inaugural lecture at the Institute …

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Seminario: “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”: Giovanna Miolli, “Hegel e il dibattito metafilosofico contemporaneo” (Padova, 28 novembre 2017)

hegelpd // Nov 26, 2017

Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 28 novembre 2017, in occasione del secondo incontro del seminario di dottorato “Temi e …

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Workshop: “La filosofia di Hegel come metateoria – Hegels Philosophie als Metatheorie” (Verona, July 14th, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Jul 7, 2016

We are glad to announce the International Workshop “La filosofia di Hegel come metateoria – Hegels Philosophie als Metatheorie”, that will be …

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Conference: “Idealism and Metaphilosophy of Mind” (London, 15th-16th September, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Jan 13, 2016

We are pleased to announce that a Conference on Idealism and Metaphilosophy of Mind will be held in London from …

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