tag » moral philosophy

CFP: International Conference: “Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives” (University of Lisbon, 19th June 2019)

Alessandro Esposito // Mar 29, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the forthcoming International Conference Personality and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives. …

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Seminario: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Giulia Battistoni, “«Hat wissen können?»: il ruolo dell’agire non intenzionale nella teoria hegeliana dell’azione” (Padova, 29 gennaio 2019)

Alessandro Esposito // Jan 26, 2019

Siamo lieti di comunicare che martedì 29 gennaio 2019, in occasione del settimo incontro del seminario di dottorato “Temi e …

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Conference: “Kant and Moral Demandingness” (University of Southampton, June 7-8, 2018)

Alessandro Esposito // Jun 3, 2018

We are pleased to inform that the conference “Kant and Moral Demandingness” will be held at the University of Southampton on June 7th-8th, …

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CFA: St Andrews Kant Reading Party 2018: “Kant and Rawls” (Angus, July 16-19, 2018)

Alessandro Esposito // May 8, 2018

We are glad to announce that a Call for Abstract for the St. Andrews Kant Reading Party on the topic “Kant and …

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CFA: “Kant’s Legal Theory and Global Justice” (University of Bayreuth, 29-30 June)

Niccolò Sbolci // Mar 1, 2018

We are glad to announce that a Call for Abstract for the conference “Kant’s Legal Theory and Global Justice” is …

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CFP: UK Kant Society Annual Conference: “Kant, Normativity, and Naturalism” (University of Southampton, September 5-6, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Apr 15, 2016

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the UK Kant Society Annual Conference on “Kant, Normativity, and Naturalism“, …

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CFP: “Kant, Metaethics and Value” (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, May 14-15, 2016)

Alessandro Esposito // Dec 21, 2015

We gladly announce that a call for papers has been opened for the annual Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference, which will …

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Talk: Marcus Willaschek – “Kantian Autonomy without Self-Legislation of the Moral Law” (Amsterdam, October 30)

Armando Manchisi // Oct 27, 2015

We are glad to announce that on Friday, October 30th, Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek (Frankfurt) will give a talk at …

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Armando Manchisi // May 1, 2015

We are pleased to announce the programme of the 18th International Graduate Conference in Philosophy “Freedom and Autonomy”, which will be held …

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CFP: “Conscience and Moral Self-Knowledge in Kant and German Idealism” (University of Oslo, August 20-22, 2015)

Alessandro Esposito // Apr 6, 2015

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the international conference “Conscience and Moral Self-Knowledge in Kant and …

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CFP: “Freedom and Autonomy”. 18th Graduate conference in Philosophy (University of Essex, 9 May 2015)

Federico Orsini // Jan 21, 2015

An international graduate conference in philosophy on the question of human freedom will be held on the May, 9th 2015 …

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CFP: 3rd Annual Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in South Africa (University of Johannesburg, March, 27th-29th 2015)

Alessandro Esposito // Dec 9, 2014

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 3rd Annual Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in …

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Workshop: «Leituras da Lógica da essência de Hegel» (December 1st 2014, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre)

Michela Bordignon // Nov 30, 2014

We are pleased to announce a workshop entitled Leituras da lógica da essência de Hegel, that will take place on December …

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CFP: Unconditional Thinking (11th De Philosophia Conference, Ottawa, April 11th 2015)

Alessandro Esposito // Nov 24, 2014

We are pleased to announce a call for papers (for graduate and undergraduate students) for conference on Unconditional Thinking, organized by …

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New Issue of «Opinião Filosófica» (Vol. 5, n. 1)

Elena Tripaldi // Nov 6, 2014

We gladly announce that a new issue of Opinião Filosófica is out Opinião Filosófica is a review inspired to philosophical pluralism, which publishes …

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News: Reading group on Kant’s “Critique of Judgment” (London Metropolitan University, CASEP)

Alessandro Esposito // Sep 29, 2014

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new reading group focusing on Kant at London Metropolitan University (Room …

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Extended Submission Deadline! – CFP: “Nature and Freedom”. 12th International Kant Congress, Vienna, 21.-25.09.2015

Selene Mezzalira // Sep 26, 2014

The program committee has extended the deadline for submission of abstracts and papers for the 12th International Kant Congress, to …

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Conference: “Kantian Freedom” (Simon Fraser University, 2nd – 4th October 2014)

Alessandro Esposito // Sep 24, 2014

We are pleased to announce the Conference Kantian Freedom, that will take place on 2nd-4th October 2014 at the Simon Fraser …

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