tag » phenomenology

CFP: Hegel: between “Logic” and “History” (Il Pensare, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Sep 23, 2016

We are glad to announce a Call for Paper for the philosophical magazine Il Pensare on the topic “Hegel: between ‘Logic’ and ‘History’” (2016). …

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CFA: “About life. Theories, Concepts and Images of the Living” (Torino, November 10-11, 2016)

Alessandro Esposito // Sep 16, 2016

We are glad to announce that the 1st FI.NO. Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy, About life. Theories, Concepts and Images of the Living, will …

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Book Review: A. Staiti, “Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: Nature, Spirit and Life” (Matteo Settura)

Arianna Longo // Jul 5, 2016

We are pleased to submit the text of Matteo Settura’s review of Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: Nature, Spirit and Life  (Cambridge …

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G. Rametta on “The Transcendental and its Metamorphoses in Modern Thinking”

Giovanna Miolli // Mar 26, 2016

Hegelpd is very glad to host a contribution by Gaetano Rametta, entitled The Transcendental and its Metamorphoses in Modern Thinking. …

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Book Publication: Manca, Magrì, Ferrarin (eds.), “Hegel e la fenomenologia trascendentale”, ETS Edizioni

Federico Sanguinetti // Feb 5, 2016

We are pleased to announce the publication of the book Hegel e la fenomenologia trascendentale edited by Danilo Manca, Elisa …

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CFP: “Mind and Nature” (University of Ottawa, April 8-10, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Jan 28, 2016

We are pleased to announce that a call for papers has been opened for a conference dedicated to the topic …

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Imagination as an Act: Phenomenological Approaches (University of Liège, April 25-29, 2016)

Eleonora Cugini // Dec 19, 2015

We are pleased to announce a call for paper for 10th Annual Research Seminar of Doctoral School of Philosophy, University …

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Conference: “The Transcendental: Past, Present and Future” (Norwich, December 12-13, 2015)

Elisa Bello // Dec 4, 2015

We are pleased to announce the conference on “The Transcendental: Past, Present and Future”, which will be held at the …

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New Issue of the Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of Hegelian Studies

Federico Sanguinetti // Oct 9, 2015

We are pleased to announce that the new issue of the Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of Hegelian Studies is …

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Conference: “Classical German Idealism and Phenomenology” (St. Petersburg, September 13-17)

Armando Manchisi // Sep 14, 2015

We are pleased to announce the international conference on “Classical German Idealism and Phenomenology”, which will be held at the St. Petersburg …

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CFP: “Husserl and Kant: The Transcendental-Phenomenological Project” (META, 2016)

Elena Tripaldi // Apr 3, 2015

We are glad to announce that a Call for Papers is now open for contributions to the volume “Husserl and Kant: …

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Recensione: Eric M. Dale, “Hegel, The End of History, and the Future” (F. Campana)

Alessandro Esposito // Feb 13, 2015

Proponiamo la recensione al testo di Eric M. Dale, Hegel, the End of History, and the Future, scritta da Francesco …

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CFP: Supervenience and the theory of experience (Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy)

Daniele Bertoletti // Dec 13, 2014

Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy is glad to announce a call for papers on the topic: “Supervenience and …

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CFP: 3rd Annual Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in South Africa (University of Johannesburg, March, 27th-29th 2015)

Alessandro Esposito // Dec 9, 2014

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 3rd Annual Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in …

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“Husserl e il problema della monade”, a book by Andrea Altobrando (open access)

Alessandro Esposito // Dec 8, 2014

We are pleased to announce that the book Husserl e il problema della monade (Trauben, Torino 2010) by Andrea Altobrando is now …

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Conference: “Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement” (Pisa, 10th-13th June 2014)

Francesco Campana // Jun 8, 2014

We are pleased to annouce the international conference Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement. The conference will take place in Pisa …

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Call for papers: Hegel Bulletin – Upcoming Special issues on Pragmatism and Phenomenology

Daniele Bertoletti // Jun 4, 2014

We are pleased to announce the opening of the call for papers for special issues of the Hegel Bulletin, dedicated …

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Conference: “Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement” (Pisa, 10th -13th June 2014)

Francesco Campana // May 7, 2014

We are pleased to annouce the international conference Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement. The conference will take place in Pisa …

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