tag » philosophy of right
New Book: Klaus Vieweg, “La ‘logica’ della libertà” (Ets, 2017)
Segnaliamo con piacere l’uscita del volume di Klaus Vieweg (Jena), La ‘logica’ della libertà. Perché la filosofia del diritto di Hegel è …
Seminar: Remo Bodei, “Hegel on the Origin of Social Hierarchy – Phenomenology of Spirit to Philosophy of Right” (Sydney, March 14, 2017)
We are glad to announce that a seminar entitled “Hegel on the Origin of Social Hierarchy – Phenomenology of Spirit …
Call for articles: Revista Opinião Filosófica, “Teorias da Justiça e Filosofia do Direito”
We are pleased to announce that the online journal “Revista Opinião Filosófica“ opened a call for articles for the second …
CFA: “Hegel and the Concept of World History” (London, April 14-15, 2016)
HegeLab (Laboratorio di Studi Hegeliani, University of Eastern Piedmont), the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP, Kingston University), and the London Graduate …
CFP: “Hegel: experience and empiricism”, (Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of Hegelian Studies)
We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the next issue of the REH (Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of …
Conference: “Between Theology and the Political” (Manchester, March 26-28, 2015)
We are pleased to announce the international conference Between Theology and the Political, organised by the Lincoln Theological Institute and …
Lecture: Petar Bojanic, “Sul concetto di corporazione come istituzione in Hegel” (Padova, 27 febbraio 2015)
Venerdì 27 febbraio 2015, all’interno del seminario “Temi e problemi della filosofia hegeliana”, organizzato dalla Scuola di dottorato in Filosofia dell’Università …
Materials: Marloren Lopes Miranda on Hegel’s use of the notions of substance and accidents in his Philosophy of Right
We are glad to publish a post on Hegel’s use of the notions of substance and accidents in his Philosophy …
CFA: “L’année 1784: Droit et philosophie de l’histoire”, 12e Congrès international de la Société d’Etudes Kantiennes de Langue Française (Universität Mainz, Sept. 28th-Oct. 1st 2015)
We are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the 12th International Congress of the Société d’Etudes Kantiennes de Langue …
CFP: 3rd Annual Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in South Africa (University of Johannesburg, March, 27th-29th 2015)
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 3rd Annual Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in …
Workshop: «Leituras da Lógica da essência de Hegel» (December 1st 2014, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre)
We are pleased to announce a workshop entitled Leituras da lógica da essência de Hegel, that will take place on December …
CFP: Unconditional Thinking (11th De Philosophia Conference, Ottawa, April 11th 2015)
We are pleased to announce a call for papers (for graduate and undergraduate students) for conference on Unconditional Thinking, organized by …
News: Reading group on Kant’s “Critique of Judgment” (London Metropolitan University, CASEP)
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new reading group focusing on Kant at London Metropolitan University (Room …
HSGB Annual Conference 2014: “Hegel’s Political Philosophy” (Cambridge, 4th – 5th September 2014)
We are pleased to announce the HSGB Annual Conference 2014 on “Hegel’s Political Philosophy”. The conference is organized by the Hegel Society …
Review: A. Laitinen – C. Sandis (eds.), “Hegel on action” (Veronica Ceruti)
Presentiamo il testo della recensione di Veronica Ceruti al volume Hegel on action a cura di Arto Laitinen e Constantine Sandis …
Abstract: Matilde Bonato, “La filosofia del diritto e dello Stato in K.W.F. Solger” («Verifiche», XLII/4)
We are pleased to host in our website the abstract of the article “La filosofia del diritto e dello Stato …
Review: K. Vieweg, “Das Denken der Freiheit” (F. Campana)
Presentiamo il testo della recensione di Francesco Campana al volume Das Denken der Freiheit di Klaus Vieweg (Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 2012), apparsa …
Nuovo numero di Verifiche – Anno XLII, N. 4 Dicembre 2013
Si annuncia l’uscita del nuovo numero di Verifiche (2013, ANNO XLII – N. 4). Numerosi sono gli ambiti e i …