tag » pontificia universidad católica argentina

VIII International Symposium on Classical German Philosophy “Epistemologies from Kant to Hegel: Historical-Exegetical Approaches and Contemporary Appropriations” (Buenos Aires, November 10th-11th, 2022)

Niccolò Sbolci // Oct 21, 2022

We are pleased to give notice of the VIII International Symposium on Classical German Philosophy entitled Epistemologies from Kant to …

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CFP: VIII International Symposium on Classical German Philosophy “Epistemologies from Kant to Hegel: Historical-Exegetical Approaches and Contemporary Appropriations” (Buenos Aires, November 10-11, 2022)

Giovanna Miolli // Aug 14, 2022

We gladly announce that the VIII International Symposium on Classical German Philosophy entitled Epistemologies from Kant to Hegel: Historical-Exegetical Approaches …

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