tag » Revolution

Conference: “Arte e rivoluzione. Estetica, politica e società in Europa dalla Rivoluzione francese al secondo dopoguerra” (IISF Napoli, 30 November – 1 December 2023)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 23, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the conference Arte e rivoluzione. Estetica, politica e società in Europa dalla Rivoluzione …

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New Release: R. Dannemann, G. Schäfer, H-E. Schiller, “Staat und Revolution bei Georg Lukács” (Nomos 2023)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 10, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Staat und Revolution bei Georg Lukács, edited by …

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New Release: Francesco Rossi, “L’età romantica. Letteratura tedesca tra Rivoluzione e Restaurazione” (Carocci, 2023)

Mattia Megli // Jun 5, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume L’età romantica. Letteratura tedesca tra Rivoluzione e Restaurazione, by …

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CPKP Talk: “Revolution and Liberation: Gunnar Hindrichs and Christoph Menke in Conversation” (Berlin, 16 December 2022)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 24, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the CPKP talk Revolution and Liberation: Gunnar Hindrichs and Christoph Menke in Conversation, …

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Workshop: Reason, Revolution and Rights (York, 8-9 December, 2018)

Giovanna Luciano // Dec 7, 2018

We are glad to give notice that the Workshop Reason, Revolution and Rights will be held at the University of …

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