tag » schelling

Antrittsvorlesung: Luca Illetterati, “Die Natur denken: zwischen Naturkritik und Naturbegriff. Zeitgenössische Fragen im Dialog mit der klassischen deutschen Philosophie” (Leipzig, 2 July 2024)

hegelpd // Jun 27, 2024

We are very glad to give notice of the Antrittsvorlesung as Leibniz-Professor (Sommersemester 2024) by Luca Illetterati, entitled Die Natur …

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CFP: “The Concept of Dialectic in Classical German Philosophy” (Barcelona, 2-4 October 2024)

Giulia La Rocca // May 22, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the call for papers The Concept of Dialectic in Classical German Philosophy, for …

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Call for Papers: Implications philosophiques, “Schelling’s Naturphilosophie: A legacy”

Giulia Bernard // Apr 26, 2024

We are very glad to give notice of the opening of a Call for Papers for the issue of Implications …

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International Conference: “La Philosophie de la Mythologie de Schelling / Schellings Philosophie der Mythologie” (UCL Leuven, 25-26 April 2024)

Giulia La Rocca // Apr 12, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the international conference La Philosophie de la Mythologie de Schelling / Schellings Philosophie der …

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Giovanni Mezzavilla // Apr 3, 2024

We are glad to give notice that Prof. Dr. Philipp Schwab (Freiburg i. Br.) will give a talk entitled Das …

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New Release: Benjamin Berger, “Schelling, Hegel, and the Philosophy of Nature. From Matter to Spirit” (Routledge, 2024)

Elisa Gremmo // Dec 16, 2023

We are glad to give notice of Schelling, Hegel, and the Philosophy of Nature. From Matter to Spirit by Benjamin Berger …

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New Release: Naomi Fisher, “Schelling’s Mystical Platonism 1792-1802” (Oxford University Press, 2024)

Elisa Gremmo // Dec 14, 2023

We are glad to give notice of Schelling’s Mystical Platonism 1792-1802, by Naomi Fisher (Oxford University Press, 2024). From the …

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International Conference: “Natur – Geschichte – Kunst. Schellings Philosophie im Zeitalter des Anthropozäns” (Tokyo, 1-3 December 2023)

Giulia Bernard // Dec 2, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Natur – Geschichte – Kunst. Schellings Philosophie im Zeitalter des …

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Mattia Megli // Nov 22, 2023

We are glad to announce the 2nd event of the DFG research network on Classical German Anthropologies, which will take …

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New Release: Daniele Fulvi, “Schelling, Freedom, and the Immanent Made Transcendent” (Routledge, 2023)

Elisa Gremmo // Oct 20, 2023

We are glad to give notice of Schelling, Freedom, and the Immanent Made Transcendent From Philosophy of Nature to Environmental …

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Event: Book Symposium “Schelling’s Late Philosophy in Confrontation with Hegel” (Online, 20 October 2023)

Mattia Megli // Oct 13, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the Book Symposium on Schelling’s Late Philosophy in Confrontation with Hegel, by Peter Dews …

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Workshop: “Schellings Naturphilosophie und ihre Aktualität” (Tübingen, 26-28 June 2023)

Giulia Bernard // Jun 22, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the workshop Schellings Naturphilosophie und ihre Aktualität, which will take place at the …

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Conference: “More than a machine”. On the Human Being in Kant and post-Kantian Philosophy (Nijmegen, June 20-21, 2023)

Niccolò Sbolci // May 22, 2023

We are glad to give notice that the Center for Contemporary European Philosophy (CCEP) conference “More than a machine”. On …

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International Lektüre-Tagung: “Streit um die Freiheit: Der Disput zwischen Jacobi und Schelling 1811-12“ (Bochum, 6-7 July 2023)

Giulia Bernard // May 16, 2023

We are glad to give notice that the International Lektüre-Tagung Streit um die Freiheit: Der Disput zwischen Jacobi und Schelling …

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CFP: «Schelling-Studien» vol. 11, 2023

Giulia La Rocca // Mar 31, 2023

We are glad to give notice that the Call for papers for the new issue of the international journal «Schelling-Studien. …

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New Release: Peter Dews, “Schelling’s Late Philosophy in Confrontation with Hegel” (Oxford University Press, 2023)

Barbara Santini // Mar 22, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Schelling’s Late Philosophy in Confrontation with Hegel by …

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Event: “Schelling: System der gesammten Philosophie und der Naturphilosophie insbesondere. 1804” (Wuppertal, 9-11 February 2023)

Giulia Bernard // Feb 6, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the reading seminar Schelling: System der gesammten Philosophie und der Naturphilosophie insbesondere. 1804 which …

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