tag » science of logic
Event: Reading Group “Hegel’s Science of Logic – The Doctrine Being (Book One)” (Online, March-July 2025)
We are glad to give notice of the Reading Group on Hegel’s Science of Logic – The Doctrine Being (Book …
New Release: Giovanni Andreozzi, “Alterità, critica, intersoggettività. Il contributo della Scienza della logica di Hegel alla Teoria critica” (Orthotes, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Alterità, critica, intersoggettività. Il contributo della Scienza della …
CFP: International Conference “Hegels neue Metaphysik – im Gedenken an Hans Friedrich Fulda” (10-12 March, 2025)
We are glad to give notice of the Call for Papers for the International Conference of the Internationalen Netzwerkes Hegels …
Lecture: Philipp Schwab, “From Identity to Contradiction, or: Is there an ‘Impure Difference’ in Hegel”? (Freiburg – Santiago de Chile, 18 October 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the lecture From Identity to Contradiction, or: Is there an ‘Impure Difference’ in …
HPD-Holidays: Federico Orsini, “Il problema dell’ontologia nella ‘Scienza della logica’ di Hegel” (IISF PRESS, 2024)
hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group. …
New Release: Federico Orsini, “Il problema dell’ontologia nella ‘Scienza della logica’ di Hegel” (IISF Press, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book, Il problema dell’ontologia nella Scienza della logica di Hegel, …
New Release: Michele Capasso, “L’essere come ritorno. Il concetto di riflessione nella filosofia di Hegel” (Inschibboleth, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume L’essere come ritorno. Il concetto di riflessione nella …
New Release: Alessandro De Cesaris, “Ai limiti del concetto” (Orthotes, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Ai limiti del concetto. Genesi e forma della …
Seminar “Hegel en perspectiva”: Antonio Sánchez, “La deconstrucción hegeliana del contractualismo en la Doctrina del Ser de la Ciencia de la Lógica” (UC Madrid, 21 March 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the next meeting of the eleventh edition of the seminar “Hegel en perspectiva”, …
New Release: Andreas Arndt, “Die Sache der Logik” (Meiner, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Die Sache der Logik. Begriff und Realität bei Hegel by …
New Release: Paul Redding, “Conceptual Harmonies” (The University of Chicago Press, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Conceptual Harmonies. The Origins and Relevance of Hegel’s …
New Release: Valerio Verra, italian translation of: G.W.F. Hegel, “La scienza della logica” (Orthotes, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the Italian translation of Georg W.F. Hegel, La scienza della …
New Release: Sally Sedgwick, “Time and History in Hegelian Thought and Spirit” (OUP, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Time and History in Hegelian Thought and Spirit, …
NEW RELEASE: Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, “Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. Ein dialogischer Kommentar” Bd. 3 (Meiner, 2022)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the third volume of Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. Ein dialogischer …
New Release: Deng Xiaomang, “A New Exploration of Hegel’s Dialectics I. Origin and Beginning” (Routledge, 2022)
We are glad to give notice of the new book, A New Exploration of Hegel’s Dialectics I. Origin and Beginning, …
Conference: “Examining the Sources of Hegel’s Logic: “History of Philosophy, Mathematics and The Natural Sciences, and Religion” (Warwick, June 2-4, 2022)
We are glad to give notice of the conference Examining the Sources of Hegel’s Logic: History of Philosophy, Mathematics and …
Workshop: “VI Leituras da Ciência da Lógica” (Porto Alegre, 25-26 May 2022)
We are glad to give notice that the online-conference VI Leituras da Lógica de Hegel will take place on Zoom …
New Release: John Ellis McTaggart, “Commentario alla logica di Hegel” (Mimesis, 2022)
Siamo lietɜ di annunciare l’uscita del volume Commentario alla logica di Hegel di John Ellis McTaggart, nella traduzione italiana di Mauro Cascio …