tag » science of logic
New Release: Franco Chiereghin, “Relire la ‘Science de la Logique’ de Hegel” (Hermann, 2020)
We are very glad to announce that the volume Rileggere la Scienza della logica di Hegel: ricorsività, retroazioni, ologrammi, by …
New Release: Paolo Giuspoli, “Logica del pensiero concettuale. Una rilettura della Scienza della logica di Hegel” (Padova University Press, 2019)
We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book Logica del pensiero concettuale. Una rilettura della …
Materials: Giulia Bernard’s Review of Ermylos Plevrakis, “Das Absolute und der Begriff. Zur Frage philosophischer Theologie in Hegels »Wissenschaft der Logik«” (Universa, Vol. 8, No. 1/2019)
We are happy to share Giulia Bernard‘s review of the book Das Absolute und der Begriff. Zur Frage philosophischer Theologie …
New Release: Félix Duque (ed.), “Hegel: Lógica y Constitución” (Ediciones CBA, 2019)
We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel: Lógica y Constitución, edited by Félix Duque …
hpd for OA Week (I): G.W.F. Hegel, «Scienza della logica. 1. Logica oggettiva. Libro secondo. L’essenza (1813)», a cura di Paolo Giuspoli, Giovanni Castegnaro e Federico Orsini (Verifiche, 2018)
In occasione della Open Access Week, condividiamo con le nostre lettrici e i nostri lettori i capitoli “La parvenza” e …
NEW RELEASE: D. Bubbio, A. De Cesaris, M. Pagano, H. Weslati (Eds.), “Hegel, Logic and Speculation” (Bloomsbury, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegel, Logic and Speculation, edited by Diego Bubbio, …
New Release: Karen Ng, “Hegel’s Concept of Life. Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic” (Oxford University Press, 2019)
We are pleased to announce the release of the book Hegel’s Concept of Life. Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen Ng (Oxford …
HPD – HOLIDAYS: Review: Luis Guzmán, “Relating Hegel’s Science of Logic to Contemporary Philosophy” (Elena Tripaldi)
hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we publish some posts already appeared on the blog. We are happy …
HPD – HOLIDAYS: New Release: G.W.F. Hegel, «Scienza della logica. 1. Logica oggettiva. Libro secondo. L’essenza (1813)», a cura di Paolo Giuspoli, Giovanni Castegnaro e Federico Orsini (Verifiche, 2018)
hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we publish some posts already appeared on the blog. Siamo lieti di …
We are glad to give notice of the yearly conference of the International Network Hegel’s Relevance / Internationales Netzwerk Hegels Relevanz. …
Workshop: Method, Metaphysics and Hegel’s Science of Logic & Hegel’s Metaphysics of Absolute and Non-Absolute Ideas (Berlin, 14-15 June 2019)
We are glad to announce that the Doppelworkshop on Hegel’s Science of logic entitled Method, Metaphysics and Hegel’s Science of Logic & Hegel’s …
New Release: Stephen Theron, “Hegel’s System of Logic: The Absolute Idea as Form of Forms” (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegel’s System of Logic: The Absolute Idea as …
Workshop Seminar: “The Doctrine of Essence. A Continuation of the Dialectic of Hegel’s Science of Logic” (London, 10 May 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the Workshop Seminar The Doctrine of Essence. A Continuation of the Dialectic of Hegel’s Science …
Review: Luis Guzmán, “Relating Hegel’s Science of Logic to Contemporary Philosophy” (Elena Tripaldi)
We are happy to give notice that the volume Relating Hegel’s Science of Logic to Contemporary Philosophy: Themes and Resonances …
New Release: Hegel’s Science of Logic – Special Issue of Hegel Bulletin [Volume 40 – Special Issue 1 – April 2019]
We are pleased to announce the release of the volume 40, special Issue of the “Hegel Bulletin” devoted to Hegel’s …
New Release: G.W.F. Hegel, «Scienza della logica. 1. Logica oggettiva. Libro secondo. L’essenza (1813)», a cura di Paolo Giuspoli, Giovanni Castegnaro e Federico Orsini (Verifiche, 2018)
Siamo lieti di dare notizia dell’uscita della nuova traduzione della “Dottrina dell’essenza” di G.W.F. Hegel: Scienza della logica. 1. Logica oggettiva. …
Workshop: “Real Measure and the Becoming of Essence: A Continuation of the Dialectic of Hegel’s Science of Logic” (London, 29 March 2019)
We are glad to share the program of the Workshop Seminar “Real Measure and the Becoming of Essence: A Continuation …
New Release: Huaping Lu-Adler, “Kant and the science of logic” (Oxford University Press, 2018)
We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical …