tag » sociology

CFP on “Hegel’s Relevance Today” for the 27th HSA’s Biennial Meeting (Boston, 11-13 October 2024)

Elisa Gremmo // Dec 8, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the call for papers Hegel’s Relevance Today, for the 27th Biennial Meeting of …

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Segnalazione, Indice ed editoriale del numero di «Filosofia politica», “Hegel e la società” – Anno XXX, N. 1 Gennaio 2016

Marco Ferrari // Oct 10, 2016

Segnaliamo il penultimo numero di «Filosofia politica», dedicato a “Hegel e la società”. Come spiega G. Duso nell’Editoriale: «L’occasione che ha dato luogo a …

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Slavic Reception of the Thought of Hegel (Warsaw, October, 10th, 2014)

Alessandro Esposito // Sep 15, 2014

We are glad to announce a new conference about the slavic reception of the thought of Hegel. The conference will …

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