tag » studia hegeliana

CFP: “Hegel y la psiquiatría”, «Studia Hegeliana» (10/2024)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 23, 2023

We are glad to give notice that the call for papers, reviews, and discussions for the issue of «Studia Hegeliana. …

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hpd-Holidays: Armando Manchisi, “The Logic of Self-Realization in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” («Studia Hegeliana», vol. 8, 2022)

Giovanna Luciano // Aug 10, 2022

hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group. …

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New Release: «Studia Hegeliana» 8/2022: “Hegel y la filosofia del derecho”.

Giulia La Rocca // Jul 8, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the new issue of «Studia Hegeliana» 8/2022, Hegel y la filosofia …

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New Release: «Studia Hegeliana. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Estudios sobre Hegel» 7/2021

Giulia La Rocca // Dec 29, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the new issue of «Studia Hegeliana. Revista de La Sociedad Española de Estudios …

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CFP: Studia Hegeliana (7/2021)

Giulia Bernard // Apr 15, 2021

We are glad to give notice that the Call for Papers, Book Reviews, and Critical Notes of Studia Hegeliana. Journal …

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New Release: Studia Hegeliana (vol. 6 – 2020): “Verdad y Libertad en Hegel y Schelling III” (ed. by Juan J. Padial and Andrés Ortigosa)

Niccolò Sbolci // Feb 24, 2021

We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of Studia Hegeliana (vol. 6 – 2020) devoted …

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