tag » subjectivity
New Release: Dieter Henrich, “Ausgewählte Schriften zur Philosophie Kants. Band 1-2” (Klostermann, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Ausgewählte Schriften zur Philosophie Kants. Band 1: Zur …
New Release: Manfred Frank, “Die Struktur der Subjektivität” (Klostermann, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Die Struktur der Subjektivität. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Dieter …
New Release: Holger Gutschmidt, “Dieter Henrichs Theorie der Subjektivität. Analyse ihrer Entwicklung” (Meiner, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Dieter Henrichs Theorie der Subjektivität. Analyse ihrer Entwicklung …
Seminar: Elena Tripaldi, “La verità della sostanza: Critica della metafisica e ontologia della soggettività in Hegel” (Florence, 6 March 2024)
We are glad to announce that Elena Tripaldi (University of Padova/Freie University Berlin) will give a talk at the University of …
New Release: Michael Frey, “Materialität und Sozialität des selbstbewussten Subjekts. Die Subjektivität des denkenden Lebewesens und sein Widerspruch” (Meiner, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Materialität und Sozialität des selbstbewussten Subjekts. Die Subjektivität …
4-day Seminar: Christopher Yeomans, “Historical Subjectivity” (Padova, 20, 21, 23, 28 June 2022)
We are glad to give notice of the 4-day Seminar Historical Subjectivity, which will be held by Christopher Yeomans (Purdue University, …
hpd-holidays: Giulia Bernard: “»Die Erhebung zu Gott ist für sich das Aufheben der Einseitigkeit der Subjektivität«. Hegels Vorlesungen über die Beweise vom Dasein Gottes anhand einer methodologischen Frage” (PUP, 2020)
hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group. We …
We are glad to give notice of the yearly conference of the International Network Hegel’s Relevance / Internationales Netzwerk Hegels Relevanz. …
CFP: Logic and Modernity. Hegel’s Science of Logic as paradigm of modern subjectivity (Jena, 27-29 June 2019)
We are glad to inform that a call for papers for the yearly conference of the International Network Hegel’s Relevance / …
Conference: “Subjetividad y violencia. Una perspectiva hegeliana” (Luca Illetterati, October 10th, Madrid)
We are happy to give notice that Professor Luca Illetterati (Università degli Studi di Padova) will hold a conference at …
Workshop: “Nature and Subjectivity in Kant and Hegel” (Parma, May 29, 2018)
We are glad to announce that the workshop “Nature and Subjectivity in Kant and Hegel” will take place at the …
New Release: Daehun Jung, “Subjektivität und Kunst. Konstitution der Moderne nach Hegel und Nietzsche” (transcript, 2017)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Subjektivität und Kunst. Konstitution der Moderne nach Hegel und …
First Workshop of the DAAD network on German Philosophy: “The Unity of the Subject”. Cambridge, 6th-7th June, 2016
We are pleased to announce the First Workshop of the DAAD network on German Philosophy, which will be held at …
Conference: “Die Tradition des Idealismus – Symposion zum 75. Geburtstag von Klaus Düsing” (Köln, January 15, 2016)
We are pleased to announce the International Conference: “Die Tradition des Idealismus – Symposion zum 75. Geburtstag von Klaus Düsing“, …
“The Concept of Organism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature” (by L. Illetterati)
On the occasion of the release of the new volume of Verifiche. Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane (2014, Vol. XLIII – N. 1-4), we are …
Subjectivity and freedom in modern philosophy – series of seminars held by prof. Heiner F. Klemme at University of Palermo
We are pleased to announce a series of seminars at the University of Palermo, Humanistic Sciences Department, which will be held …
Conference: “Hegel and the Philosophy of Mind” (Oxford, September 3-4, 2015)
We are pleased to announce the Hegel Society of Great Britain annual conference “Hegel and the Philosophy of Mind” that will take …
“Husserl e il problema della monade”, a book by Andrea Altobrando (open access)
We are pleased to announce that the book Husserl e il problema della monade (Trauben, Torino 2010) by Andrea Altobrando is now …