tag » Taiju Okochi

News: New Vorstand of the Japanische Hegel-Gesellschaft

Giulia Bernard // Oct 8, 2023

We are very glad to give notice of the renewal of the Vorstand of the Japanische Hegel-Gesellschaft. The new President …

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Video from the Lecture of Taiju Okochi: “Normale Abnormität. Die Krankheit zum Tode in Hegels Lehre über den Organismus”

hegelpd // Mar 4, 2023

We are very glad to share the video of the lecture that Taiju Okochi (Kyoto University) gave at the University …

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Lecture: Taiju Okochi, “Normale Abnormität. Die Krankheit zum Tode in Hegels Lehre über den Organismus” (Padova, 20 February 2023)

hegelpd // Feb 16, 2023

We are glad to announce that Taiju Okochi (Kyoto University) will hold a lecture entitled Normale Abnormität. Die Krankheit zum …

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