
Two Talks: Anselmo Aportone and Michela Summa (Padova, 28 September 2023)

Two Talks: Anselmo Aportone and Michela Summa (Padova, 28 September 2023) 2

We are glad to give notice of two talks that will take place on September 28th, at the Università degli Studi di Padova (Aula Film, piazza Capitaniato 3). The talks will start at 10:00 (CET).

The event is organized by the study centre Noumenon – Thinking Lab for the Study and Understanding of Nature, Mind and Society.

Please find the program below.


Anselmo Aportone (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Considerazioni kantiane sul rapporto tra identità e tempo

Michela Summa (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), L’autorità della prima persona


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