
Workshop: DFG-Research Network on Classical German Anthropologies. 1st workshop. “Anthropological dimensions of transcendental philosophy” (Heidelberg, 16-17 March 2023)

Workshop: DFG-Research Network on Classical German Anthropologies: 1st worksop. "Anthropological dimensions of transcendental philosophy" (Heidelberg, 16-17 March 2023)

We are glad to announce the 1st event of the DFG research network on Classical German Anthropologieswhich will take place in Heidelberg on March 16th and 17th 2023.

The workshop will explore the topic of Anthropological Dimensions of Classical German Philosophy.

Please find the flyer with the program at this link.


About the network: 

The aim of this network is to collaboratively develop a new perspective on classical German philosophy. The basic idea is that the philosophy of Kant and post-Kantian authors is, among other things, profoundly inspired by ‘anthropology’, namely by reflections exploring the distinctly human point of view. Historically, the term “anthropology” (Anthropologie) gained unprecedented traction in Germany within the period between XVIII and XIX century. “Anthropologie” meant different things to different people: it referred to various competing approaches investigating human mindedness and cognition, which involved disciplines as diverse such as physiology, medicine, comparative anatomy and philosophy. However, the views –– and the controversies– developed in that context profoundly shaped the reflection of classical authors on key topics: body, mindedness, human capacities, natural constitutions and the place of the human being within nature.
In bringing together an international group of experts, this network seeks to jointly establish the research area of Classical German Anthropology and point out what we can learn from it for current debates on what it means to be a human being.


Website, info and mailing list:

Coordinators: Julia Peters (Heidelberg), Luca Corti (Padua), Johannes-Georg Schülein (Bochum)



1st event of the DFG-Research Network “Classical German Anthropologies” 

Anthropological dimensions of transcendental philosophy 

(Heidelberg, March 16th 17th 2023)

Day 1 (March 16th):

9.00-9:30         Introduction

                        (Julia Peters, Luca Corti, Johannes-Georg Schülein)

9.30-11.00       The anthropological dimension in Kant’s Practical Philosophy I 

                        (Intro: Julia Peters)

11.30-13:00    The anthropological dimension in Kant’s Practical Philosophy II 

                        (Intro: Jessica Tizzard)

15.00-16:30    The anthropological dimension in Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy I

                        (intro: Andrea Kern)

16.45-18:00    The anthropological dimension in Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy II 

                        (intro: Stefanie Buchenau)

18.15-19.30    Evening guest lecture & discussion. Peter McLaughlin: “What are Kant’s papers on Human Races About?”


Day 2 (March 17):

9-10:30            Aenesidemus: Schulze’s critique of Kant 

                        (intro: Karin Nisenbaum)

11-12:30          Language and Anthropology in the Herder-Kant Debate

                        (intro: Mario Marino)

14-15:30          Anthropology and Human Nature in Jacobi 

                        (intro: Johannes-Georg Schülein)

16-17:30          Group Discussion



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